2014 African Americans!

<p>Really Morgansimone?! haha. I’ll try not to get too excited about that news. And, if I don’t get accepted to Harvard or Princeton I wouldn’t be crushed or anything. Hey I forgot to ask, what are you guys dream schools? What’s your number 1 choice? I really love California so I applied to Stanford of course. But that’s a long shot so I also applied to a few UCs. I applied to about 5 or 6 ivies so if i got accepted to any of them I’d probably go. </p>

<p>I agree! The waiting is killing me! I wish I just knew! But, I guess I dont want to know…I’m so confused…</p>

<p>I feel kinda weird. I didn’t get an interview from cornell. But its not one of my top choices honestly. None of my interviewers asked about my scores, even Harvard. Maybe I was just lucky but they really seemed interested in why I liked economics and who I am as a person. That goes the same for northwestern, harvard, yale, and brown. No one asked for my other schools either. Well the brown guy did, after I asked for advice on how to pick a college. And he told me some things about each school. My dream school is probably a 3-way tie between northwestern, notre dame, and yale. And i’m in at 6 of my safeties. So I wouldn’t be too upset, even if I didnt get into all of my higher choices because I got into selective majors at my safeties.</p>

<p>P.S. I hope eveyrone has lots of opportunities to pick the college that fits best and do well there!</p>

<p>@JJ43912: Yupp yupp, no lies :-). Well I applied to four ivies and three safety schools. My dream schools would be the Ivies; each one has something beautiful that I like about it. But If I got into one of the HYP, all of them or two of them I would feel blessed regardless :-).</p>

<p>Wow! This thread makes me feel horrible, to be honest lol. I’m really REALLY happy for all of you for your accomplishments and amazing stats. But now that I’m looking through some of your posts, I feel like I’ll never have a chance at any of the schools that I’ve applied to . Everyone’s complaining about how low your SAT scores are, but I would trade my scores for yours anyday! I’m a male from NY, salutatorian (4.0 uw, 4.8 w), only got an 1880 SAT score, 740 WH, 710 Bio, 740 US, 9 APs and I’ve applied to Stanford, Brown, Georgetown, Princeton, Cornell, UChicago, JHU, Tufts, Williams, Northwestern and American. </p>

<p>I have plenty of hooks, in regards to winning national and international awards/scholarships, ECs, heavy community service hours, working as a tutor, low-income (my mother is a cashier and my father’s in prison; single bedroom apartment; 4 bros and 1 sis; I’m the oldest and I have to work while watching out for them-wrote about in personal statement) … the list goes on. My first choice is Stanford but now, I don’t think I have a chance at any of my schools, based on this thread. My SAT score is definitely going to drag me down.</p>

<p>You all are amazing though. Now I’m realizing that I was a big fish in a small pond, coming from a predominantly AA/minority based high school, yet the only AA male ranked in the top 2% of my graduating class of 351 students. I know for a fact that all of you are going to end up in your 1st, if not, 2nd, choice schools. I (on the other hand) am not so sure anymore. Relax guys…you’re all going far!</p>


<p>dude, what are YOU talking about?? lol idk, i personally think your stats are stellar but maybe thats just me lol :)</p>

<p>and again, SAT score is not the only thing that will get you into college, like i was saying to franchize before, there’s so much more to you than your scores, and colleges are definitely gonna see that. i was actually talking about this with my princeton interviewer and he really put it into perspective: there’s more valedictorians than rooms/space available at these schools, which is why they look for more, if these schools took every valedictorian and high SAT scorer, then their schools would become monotonous and boring :)</p>

<p>I want Stanford too! No my scores aren’t very good either! Only slightly higher than yours. I really don’t think our scores are that bad its just EVERYONE on cc basically has 2400…sigh. Haha and anway I looked at an average SAT scores for african americans, and 1980 is like top 4%! So yours is probably top 5%! If that makes you feel better :slight_smile: Still you’ve got a lot of good stuff going for you justadream, and you’ll have a good shot at Stanford! good luck!</p>

<p>@bellanaija: Thank you so much! I really appreciate that. I guess as the day that decisions are going to be out gets closer, I’m becoming more and more doubtful and worried. I just really hope that the admissions offices actually mean what they say about not only accepting kids based on numbers. </p>

<p>@jj: LOL that makes me feel a bit better I guess. But isn’t Stanford just AMAZING?! I haven’t had an opportunity to visit, but based on virutal tours (lol) and forums where students talked about their experiences there, I just fell in love with it. UGHHH I hope we both end up there … it’s definitely my dream school.</p>

<p>@justadream92: You’re amazing, man. Seriously. You’ve got so much more going for you than your SAT scores, which, by the way, are not that bad at all. Your stats/ECs are awesome. Don’t doubt yourself.</p>

<p>Justadream: yes!! I virtual tour like once a week! haha and I’ve visited, its seriously breathtaking! I hope we both get in but don’t worry if it came down to choosing between us 2 you’d probs get it, you’ve got a lot going for you and I’m a bit of a slacker lol.</p>

<p>hmm…I’ve been applying to and sending soo much materials to different schools that I haven’t thought of this question in a while. I applied to 3 of the ivies. I’m in love with all of them due to what they can offer and the environment. but the one that is on the top of my list is Brown then followed up with Cornell. But I wouldn’t mind Stanford either due to the location, and the program that I want to do. Also it is right in the state where a lot of computer animation take place. But I would feel gratful and blessed for just getting into one of these schools.</p>

<p>So many of us applied to the same schools that there is no doubt that many of us will be attending the same college. I think that’s pretty cool</p>

<p>By the way for the people that applied to Brown how many recs. did u send? Also did anyone send in an art supplement?</p>

<p>i hope so! It will be cool to meet you guys in person :)</p>

<p>@BlackRose: I sent in creative writing supplements to Harvard, Princeton, and Yale.</p>

<p>I applied to Brown but did not send an art supplement. I don’t do visual arts but i’m pretty good at the performing arts. However, i’m not good enough that i’d record myself and send it in. I think it would have to be like broadway level to be of any use. lol</p>

<p>Oh, don’t sell yourself short! I may not be a Shakespeare with the pen but I trust my abilities and you should too!</p>

<p>@franchize same! i’ve been playing the violin for ten years now and my guidance counselor/relatives/orchestra conductor keeps asking me why i didnt send in a recorded concerto or something like that. i was thinking about it last fall, but then i read something where an admissions officer from some ivy (i honestly dont remember which one lol, it may have been yale) was saying that you need to make sure the admissions officers are not wasting their time listening to your art supplement and that its top par and goes above and beyond. i got scared out of it because of the possibility that they would be underwhelmed! lol plus i thought maybe it was more worth it to instead of sending in a recording, elaborate on the fact that i tutor violin to younger kids in my town,yup, i’m a chicken :)</p>

<p>wow. I didn’t submit any supplements.
Do they play a big factor in making you stand out? I hope not :S</p>

<p>Man, April 1st seems so far away. I don’t know how I’m supposed to wait that long… </p>

<p>@beautifulnerd: Yes, I was a hugggee fan of MJ! We were in Paris when we found out he died :frowning: it was so sad… We went out and mourned next to the Notre Dame!</p>

<p>39 days until april first!</p>

<p>I didn’t send in any extra supplements. I figured the decision is the decision, me playing saxophone or not. I like the countdown though. Each day another step closer to destiny…</p>

<p>Um…I just saw the stats of some people on this board and you guys are amazing…simply amazing. --___-- Just sayin…lol</p>