2014 African Americans!

<p>My top are Brown and Cornell as well, Brown being my #1. I got into Cornell so I am just hoping to get into Brown. (Crossing my fingers)</p>

<p>Of those for which I’m still waiting, my top school is Yale. But it’s only out of two, just HY.</p>

<p>yeah @blackrose haha i was dead serious. i don’t have a perm. i don’t like perms b/c they itch and burn and i get annoyed. i haven’t had one in years. and it’s like what am i gonna do in college ? ? ? lol</p>

<p>“I forgot who it was in this forum but now I know how you’re feeling about if you got rejected by a state school”</p>

<p>what? Really? I thought you lived in Fl. Your stats seemed more than good enough for all the schools here…</p>

<p>@blackrose: are you talking about me? I got rejected 2 ucla…but I don’t live in cali! Yea, it still sucks though but I’m over it…sigh lol
I just convinced myself that they realize I’m SUCH an AMAZING candidate they were sure I’d never decide to go to their little ole’ school so they didn’t bother admitting me because they knew I’d be going to an ivy or something. LOL. hey it makes me feel better!</p>

<p>My tops are Stanford and Yale. We will c!</p>

<p>^^^ hahaa yes that’s the spirit !</p>

<p>My top choices are Brown Penn Swarthmore and Cornell in that order. If I’ve already gotten into Swat and Cornell so I’m hoping to get into Brown and Penn. If that happens, i’m going to have a tough decision to make. lol And financial aid is going to be a huge deciding factor. I haven’t visited any of them but I will if accepted. I know I’m definitely visitng Swat and Cornell soon! Life is good!</p>

<p>^^^ Hope to see you at Cornell!
Wouldn’t it be weird to meet the faceless CC users you talk to almost every single day?</p>

<p>I guess it is weird when you look at it that way.</p>

<p>So I have a question. On my activities for Columbia, I never saw that they took out a word. It’s supposed to say “I write stories…” It just says “I stories…” Do you think that it will hurt me? I don’t think it will, but I can’t stop thinking about it, and I LOVE Columbia.</p>

<p>No, I definitely do not think so! Colleges like to see a student check over his or her errors but even if the errors are made, it will not turn a competitive applicant into one who is thrown straight into the reject pile, IMO. Don’t worry ;-).</p>



<p>You accidentally a verb?</p>

<p>Sorry, that’s an internet meme. I couldn’t resist. Anyway, I’m with MorganSimone. I don’t think it will matter.</p>

<p>I have a rejection from Georgetown by default. My essay was terrible, and my stats, while good, aren’t brilliant enough for them to overlook my major gaffe.
My favorite school(s) = University of Chicago - Princeton - Georgetown (even though rejection is on its way lol)
And financial aid is definitely not coming. So I guess it’ll be Macaulay 2014 for me. ■■■.</p>

<p>Ksarmand, you have such great scores…are you crazy?!? lol.</p>

<p>@Ksamrand YOU GOT INTO MACAULAY HONORS!!! Congrats. Everyone in my school applied besides me and only about 3 people got in. One person got into hunter honors and two people got into city college. Which one did you apply to?</p>

<p>I got into Hunter Macaulay. Only 2 people got into Macaulay at my school (my friend got into CCNY), and about 8 applied. And my scores, while good, are not like OMG***HOW’DYOUGETTHOSE?! good. :)</p>

<p>Lol thanks you guys. You made my sleep at night a lot better haha. :slight_smile: @ksarmand Watch you get into Georgetown.</p>

<p>Hey, for any of you guys going to Diversity Hosting at Cornell, which dates did you choose? I chose dates ranging from April 9-13. I want to meet you guys! lol</p>

<p>but ksarmand you got into columbia…</p>

<p>I didn’t send Columbia my Georgetown essay. I know when I write complete crap. My G-town essay was only one step above my Ron Brown, and I got rejected from that too. Since I didn’t proofread, it went along the lines of “Pakistani farmers have an immense technological advantage over their western counterparts.” In an essay about agricultural subsidies. :mad:</p>

<p>So yeah. Who wants to put money on it? I say $5 to rejection from SFS. My former physics class already has a pool going for how many Harvard rejections the school will get. So far, we’re at 7. Does anyone else have something similar? ;)</p>

<p>Ahem. Is anyone here considering jumping ship, committing to a safety, and avoiding the excruciating wait until April 1?</p>

<p>^I don’t have any safeties :D.</p>