2014 African Americans!

<p>^^^ Counting down the seconds and thinking of all the possibilities which really does not help get my mind off of anything lol</p>

<p>@BlackRose21: Macaulay isn’t exactly the most selective school; it does reject its fair share of applicants (about a 10% acceptance rate for the class of 2013 that probably went down this year) and is touted as an Ivy-League level school. It’s actually more like a free NYU–or another school of similar caliber–and in my honest opinion isn’t what I was hoping for in my first undergrad experience. The City University of New York is just looking for a way to redeem itself after the results of the open-enrollment fiasco that ruined its reputation, so it offers a program full of gimmicks–but I digress. For my purposes, it’ll do just fine. </p>

<p>And until April 1, I’ll be tutoring my ESL students for their upcoming SAT exams in intensive 7-hour study sessions each day (joy!!). An upcoming MUN conference is also crying out for my planning, and I have over 20 papers sitting on my desk for grading. :frowning: Thus, I won’t have much time to mope around, though I have no doubt that I’ll contrive some flimsy excuse to scurry over to this website and angst about the wait (and extend the reach of my procrastination).</p>

yeah I know exactly how you feel! Every once in a while I’ll think that I might not get in. that way I don’t excite myself too much if I do get rejected. but then I think of all of the possibilities of going to my dream schools and all the possibilities of going to that school and that holy cow I might just have a chance in going to this school!!!</p>

well you never know you might find something more out of it after your first year. and if that doesn’t work you can always transfer and try again to the schools you wanted to go before. but see if you get in to your other schools you’ll never know! lol your course work with you tutoring and papers sounds a lot like a teacher. that happens to me too when I try to avoid a paper and go onto this site to prolonge my procrastination.</p>

I know. My mood has become so bipolar lately. I go from optimist to pessimist within minutes. This is just not cool. Lol. I am learning more and more to appreciate the acceptances I do have. But still…it makes you wonder WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN 4 DAYS!!! </p>

<p>I wish I could hibernate until 1:55 p.m. Arizona time on April 1st.</p>

<p>Any other African-Americans here attending UCI in the Fall? It woud be nice to know I won’t be alone lol</p>

<p>hey i have a question for everyone…</p>

<p>when you all told people the schools you were applying to did you get the “oh well you’ll def. get in, you have good grades, ECs AND YOU’RE BLACK!”</p>

<p>how did you feel about it? </p>


<p>Ooooh I never got the…“and you’re black!” deal</p>

<p>^^I lol’d. I actually had a teacher tell me this in front of the whole class, as well as a classmate grouse about the fact that I was black and it was so “unfair” (on two separate occasions). I was like, “If I get in, it’ll be because compared to you, I’m a beast at life. Don’t be salty 'cuz you’re a scrub.” </p>

<p>And the teacher hated me, so I didn’t mind saying this to her big, ugly face–she was devastated that my SAT score had thrashed her son’s, and made her statement while she was in the throes of an impotent rage.</p>

<p>I actually like when people make themselves look dumb. Like on formspring. It gives me an opportunity to exercise my meanie muscles, which have become rather flaccid as of late.</p>

<p>Ksarmand, you always lol at me…lol ^_^</p>

<p>^This made me laugh for a solid 2 minutes.</p>

<p>And yeah, I guess I do. You’re a rather comedic individual, I guess. :D</p>

hahaha that must of felt like a good moment. when you can take what they say and put it back in their face.</p>

<p>no i never felt that I got in because I’m definatley black. it might of helped but that schools that I applied to were already pretty diversified already.</p>

<p>LOL ksarmand ! salty indeed -__-
a teacher, of all people … smh if only there were video cameras in the classroom to catch all of this; can you say FIRED?! i can’t fathom why people choose to teach and then have the audacity to have resentment towards their students when they pwn their peers … i just don’t understand</p>

<p>but yeah, no one ever told me anything like that (to my face). but who knows how everyone around me really feels? i mean, in my school, we’re all really supportive of each other’s successes and acceptances, and we console those who got rejected. but there’s always that thought of possible envy and jealousy …hmm</p>

<p>I welcome brutal honesty, probably because I delight in saying what people don’t want to hear anyway. So if my friends were bitter, they’d tell me–some of them have already. :)</p>

<p>That teacher in particular sank my GPA. She also did a number on my brother’s grade the previous year. My school’s not really friendly to complaints about classroom racism, so I didn’t bother reporting it–I’ve had that sort of nonsense go on all my life in the local school system. Which probably makes sense, given that the administration & staff, according to recently published stats, are 99% Caucasian (not even Asian, Hispanic, or south Asian, just Caucasian, and lifelong Long Islanders at that) and 1% other (which equals the only minorities, the janitors and lunch ladies).</p>

<p>^^ yeah I’ve had racism at my school and it has happened to my brother a lot. but the thing that I have realized is that administration and falculty will support other administration and falculty no matter what! this is because if they don’t then they look bad. is sad to say but its the truth.</p>

that’s a good way to look at it. at least you got into cornell! :slight_smile: that’s a big accomplishment! I forgot what other schools you got into. I’m still trying to get into one of my ivies. but the worst that can happen is not get accepted and go to a school for a year and then transfer. but i’m still wondering if I do get accepted to an outside state school then where will I do my hair. lol</p>

<p>@ksarmand: Why thank you =)!</p>

<p>Well here’s my take on the “…and you’re black” tidbit, what NO ONE can take away from us all is that we have worked HARD these past four years. The fact that we even sent applications to such highly-selective schools speaks volumes. If you get accepted to HYPSM, all of them or one of them, it was because you were MEANT to be there. NO ONE gets into a school off of his/her ethnicity alone. Colleges see the potential and they want to nurture it along with your hard work of course ;-).</p>

<p>^^^ @blackrose- please don’t remind me. I’m trying to avoid getting a perm. I just can’t do it. I just always get it washed, pressed/flat ironed, and I’m on my way. Perms burn. I can’t do it. I’m scared lol. </p>

<p>But yeah, no worries, we will all end up where God strategically placed us. That’s how I get by day-to-day. If it was meant to be, it would happen.</p>

<p>Wahooooooo! Accepted into Georgetown SFS!!! This has been, along with UChicago, my top school!!!</p>

<p>I was nervous because I messed up on my essays. I was expecting a rejection, but I guess those prayer marathons really helped. I’ve had so many people praying for my success, I’ve got to give God the credit for this, because without his blessing I’m sure I would have been in the reject pile.</p>

<p>I’m so happy I just don’t know how to express how I feel. The only thing that breaks my heart is that I can’t share this with my grandma–before she passed, we talked a lot about this school, and she told me she really wished I could go there and that she’d be praying for me. This is for you, grandma. RIP.</p>

<p>@ksarmand CONGRATS i’m so happy for you! that just shows that all things are possible, if it’s meant to be, God will make it happen :)</p>

<p>AHHH KSARMAND =D YAYYYY ! that’s awesome; so happy for you! congratss !!!
hey, how did you find out ?</p>

<p>^They send their decisions by mail. You live in upstate NY, right? It’ll probably come in by tomorrow.</p>