2014 African Americans!

yeah I know what u r talking about. usually I let my mom do the perm cause she does it real good without the burning but I also think it is the brand, cause I have never burned with it. but there is always braids. also I don’t like new people perming my hair cause they don’t know my head like a person I have gone to for years. also I fully agree with you. if it was meant to be then god will find a way. </p>

hahah this is like the calm before the storm. i BET you will get into one of the ivy leagues you applied for (don’t count yourself out yet!). I’m glad that you got into one of your top schools! r u going there instead of macaulay? lol glad to know that I’m not the only one that does praying marathons :slight_smile: but besides that congrats to getting in!!! I’m happy for you! :)</p>

<p>i live in rockland … about 20 mins north of the city soo hopefully i’ll get it today !</p>

<p>^Oh, okay. I’m sure you’ll get good news. You are an übermensch after all. ;)</p>

<p>@BlackRose21: I dunno anymore. I have whirly eyes whenever I think about doing where I’m going next year. I’m tempted just to roll a dice and have it done with.</p>

<p>@Beautifulnerd: There are a lot of online hair communities (I would know, since I’m in one :)). Ask around and see if you can find a hairdresser in the city where you move to. Or just do kinky twists, leave them in for a month, and be done with it. :D</p>

<p>hey guys. sorry its been a while…i had a minor mental breakdown after stanford decision lol. Im good now tho - I PROMISE! CONGRATS 2 EVERYONE AND THERE ACCEPTANCES! WOOHOO! </p>

<p>I’ve also been writing a lot…though my life’s been sucking my book has been going great lol</p>

<p>what’s been up? You guys excited for our final decisions? only like 3 days away! I’m rdy 4 this entire process 2 b overr</p>

<p>got into georgetown sfs just now … tally so far; uchicago, williams, american, cornell, northwestern, stanford and gtown! no rejections yet . i’m going to have a tough time this month -__-</p>

<p>what’s ur top choice so far? congrats!!</p>

<p>Accepted to Stanford, Northwestern, Oberlin, and Boston College.</p>

<p>Still waiting for Harvard, Columbia, Pomona, Brown, Princeton and Johns Hopkins.</p>

<p>Top choice is Stanford, though, so I’m super pumped :)</p>

<p>Congratulations to all of you guys. You’re all super-duper amazing. Maybe we’ll end up going to the same school–imagine if we were roomies? </p>

<p>@jj43912: I’m sorry to hear about Stanford. But hey, if that book becomes a bestseller, then they’ll just have one more reason to rue their decision. I look forward to ordering it from Amazon. :)</p>

<p>And I’ll just leave a final tally.</p>

<p>Accepted to University of Chicago (no money :(), Macaulay Honors College at Hunter, Georgetown Walsh School of Foreign Service, American University (Honors Program) School of Public Affairs (30k), Columbia University, Howard University (full), Hampton University(full), and St. Johns University (full) Honors program (<—not even considering). </p>

<p>Still waiting for Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. </p>

<p>My top choice was SFS, but now I’m not so sure anymore. I was dead-set on law, but am now considering going into the medical field or majoring in political science & public health, then getting a JD along with an MA in public health policy. This, in my opinion, unnecessarily compounds the difficulty of choosing the school to attend. And added to this quandary is the problem of financial aid. Why couldn’t we just be assigned jobs from birth??? -______-</p>

<p>thanks ksarmand! and good luck w/ ur decision! you’ve got a lot to choose from but don’t fret, i know you’ll make the best choice 4 u!</p>

<p>So far: </p>

<p>Accepted: University of Illinois, University of Iowa, Illinois State, Iowa State, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Marquette, Vanderbilt, Cornell, Notre Dame, and Northwestern.</p>

<p>Rejected: UChicago.</p>

<p>April 1st: Harvard, Yale, Brown</p>

<p>All in all, I’m pretty happy. Rejection from UChicago doesn’t hurt much when I’m about 98% sure I would have gotten in if I had sent the app earlier. And not rationalizing, but it wasn’t very high on the list to begin with. I never thought I would get into an Ivy League school either, but what do you know right? I always thought I was the best of the worst. Better than kids in my area, but not good enough to compete with kids all over AMerica, let alone in the world. Now I feel like I have worked hard, but God has given me a gift to share with other people and it feels great. I know wherever I go in the fall I’ll be extremely happy. And although I might be down on April 1st, I’m gonna think I have more acceptances than rejections so I’ll stilll be a winner. I definitely don’t wanna get caught up in the envy or anger that someone else got in and I didn’t. I’ll congratulate them and move on. And when I graduate, and begin to make an impact, there’s gonna be at least 1 college out there that truly DID regret to inform me that I was not accepted into their freshman class 2014.</p>

<p>P.S. Good luck to everyone. Try not to get caught up in anger, sadness, or jealousy over the decisions. At the end of the day, you’ll be where you’re supposed to be come this fall.</p>

<p>Wow, Mouse! Congrats! Another Hip Hip Hooray! Cheers =)</p>

<p>@blackrose @ksarmand- i’m picky lol. idk, perms just always have this idk how to explain…it just you know it’s in there. and it’ll itch sooo much. i can’t deal with it lol. but i’m not a natural person. i’ll wear it natural (curly) in the summer since it gets hot here, but not for more than a week. i’m not a braids person either. i’m gonna have to take it to the hood to find a real beautician lol jk jk. it all depends on where i end up at. but i have no issue with asking a random black girl with nice hair who does it…so if that’s any of you guys out there, then know beautifulnerd was the one who asked.</p>

<p>@MorganSimone: Hip Hip Hooray reminds me of childhood shows like Oswald (who could resist the lovable blue octopus?) and Maggie and the Ferocious Beast. </p>

<p>@BeautifulNerd219: I’m in the midst of transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. It’s been 8 months of never-ending grief and learning how to manage 2 different textures in my hair. I can’t wait until I cut off those annoying relaxed ends in August. And I ask random people where they get their hair done too. So it might be either one of us. ;)</p>

<p>@ksarmand: Yeah? Oh yeah!! Now I remember!! That was totally not intentional either! OMG I have found a way to alleviate anxiety…listen to old but good jam songs! “Jump” by Kriss Kross is a good one and so is “Jump Around” =)</p>

haha I do that all the time. but the thing that sucks is a lot of the time they tell me their friend did it or their cousin. so i’m left to square one. for perms you have to get use to them I guess. but don’t worry girl if hair is the only thing we are worrying about then we’ll be just fine. but i wonder if their have hair clubs on campusese. i know some schools that i were looking at had their own hair salon but i’m not sure if they know how to manage black hair.</p>

that would be hell for me if I had my hair all natural. but I admire you that you can maintain it in that state. hey don’t take this the wrong way but I just realized you were a girl. it’s hard to tell for everybody especially with their usernames. i think i just realized when you start talking about hair lol</p>

<p>^I always thought ksarmand was a guy too. No offense. A lot of people think I’m a guy too.</p>

<p>I’m very worried about my hair. My sister has locks and can do them herself, so she had no worries. I think as long as I go somewhere less rural than Dartmouth, I might be okay.</p>

<p>BAHAAHAH I THOUGHT BOTH MILLANCAD AND KSARMAND WERE GUYS! im a girl btw…does my name sound guyish? probs…</p>

<p>Aw, shucks. I wanted to reveal my gender in a climactic fashion on Thursday. :frowning:
But in retrospect, I blew my own spot up. Dumb me. :mad:</p>

<p>And a lot of people think I’m a guy in general. I get the whole, “WOAH YOU’RE A GIRL?!” all the time. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been mistaken from my brother. Stupid androgynous physiques.</p>

<p>@Millincad: A post you had of a conversation with your sister tipped me off that you were a girl. No offense to any guys out there, but most brothers simply don’t converse with their sisters (at least mine doesn’t lol). :)</p>

<p>OMG @MorganSimone i was listening to that song like last week. on repeat. i think mac daddy is the one with alopecia. it’s so sad. daddy mac is a dj now. </p>

<p>@ksarmand-I thought you were a guy for the longest. Lol. Even with your recent post, I was thinking “maybe HE has natural hair ??” Lol the transition is hell at first, but once your hair gets adjusted to not having chemicals, it’s great. People think I have a perm, and when I tell them I don’t, they swear up and down that I do. But seeing that I’m gonna be back east, I don’t know how the humidity (which we lack in AZ) will do me. I lasted in Indiana’s humidity, but NYC is wayyy different lol (if I get into Columbia or just anywhere around there).</p>

<p>@blackrose- oh i’ve had them before. i’ve had a perm since like 2nd grade til 9th grade. I always went to the beautician. So leaving the one that I have is like ehh UNLESS I go to a school in Chicago (which is only Northwestern) b/c that’s basically where I’m from. I know where I can get my hair done and what not. It’s just…I’m like you, I’m picky. Not everyone knows how to do African-American hair, not trying to sugarcoat it…that’s almost a fact, if not already so. But I’m sure we’ll do fine. Lol. I wish I could’ve written about this in my college essay somehow. HILARIOUS. </p>

<p>@jj thought you, @millancad, and @ksarmand were guys for the longest. Lol I think gender association with names would be quite an interesting study.</p>

<p>I have no idea how I’m getting my haircut when I go to college because there’s no way I can do it myself. and the barbershops around yale looked a little dangerous to be honest.</p>