2014 African Americans!

<p>BHAHAHA! I’m a girl! JJ stands for Jade Jelise! hehehehe
it seems so feminine 2 me but i guess its bcuz i know wat it stands for…anywhoo</p>

<p>never had a perm…hmm…i wish i could get one that makes my curls bigger. like when my hair is wet it gets into little tight curls…they r cute i guess but I’d love it if they were bigger like my moms grrrrrrr then id never straighten my hair
is that possible? i feel like asian girls get it all the time! or can they not specify the type of curls you’ll get? i also fear it causing my hair 2 fall out :o</p>

<p>so who is a boy on this thread? bcuz apparently we r all girls lol</p>

<p>^^^ Lol yours are like my mom’s then. She gets really tight tight tight curls. But mine are kind of tight and wavy-ish. Lol when I was younger (around 4), I told everyone in my daycare class I was black and mexican (sad right)…the whole class including my teacher believed me ahahaha. I still laugh about that. </p>

<p>Mouse is a guy…Ummm…that’s all I can think of lol</p>

<p>MOUSE IS A GUY!!! ***!!! R U SERIOUS??? had nooo clue. this is soo weird! i look at all of u differently now…
oh i just realized y i never notice bcuz im soo add i never completely read the posts. mouse clearly said he was looking for a babershop. oops.</p>

<p>hahaha! when i was young i didnt know what ‘mixed’ meant. I just thought it meant you were lighter-skinned lol so i was like ‘DADDY! IM MIXED!’ he’s like - “no,… you’re not.” hahaha</p>

<p>^^^ haha yeah i just always thought mouse was a guy. haha my family confused me…they used to joke and say i looked mixed b/c i had really curly hair…my mom tried to wash it and do everything to make it not curly but it would just curl back up ha.</p>

<p>I don’t know what I’m going to do with my hair in college. I have it permed right now- I started perming in December for the first time- but I planned to start letting it grow out in June. My college is only about two hours away from my regular beautician, but I’d rather try and find someone closer, or something else to do with my hair! I might just go back to braids.</p>

<p>Ladies, my sophomore who is attending a school in an urban area still had issues with long trips to the beauty shop or long waits or just a long time in the chair. She cut her hair, which was past shoulder length, to about an inch. I couldn’t say much, since I wear my hair very short. I attempted to make a deal with her that if she grew out her hair I’d grow mine out. After 2 months of growth I couldn’t stand it. I gleefully went and got a hair cut. She came home from spring break and got her hair cut…on my dime. :)</p>

<p>Long story short - she is pleased with the results, although she had to learn that you still have to take care of short hair.</p>

<p>Good luck and congratulations to all of you. I am very proud of all you.</p>

<p><–no relaxers since 1998</p>

<p>Is there anyone thats not looking forward to April 1? To be honest I am not…so far I have been accepted into Cornel, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, Notre Dame, BC, Wisconsin, and several other safety schools, but when April 1 comes around I will hear from Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. I am bracing myself for 3 rejections and not looking forward to it, but I must be thankful that I got into the schools I did. I am bracing for the Rejections from the BIG 3.</p>

<p>Oh I like the turn this conversation has taken… from college admissions to hair lol</p>

<p>I’m going into college with natural hair and I’m thinking about getting dreadlocks. I wish there were a guide on how to take care of natural hair in college :/</p>

<p>@jj : i could’ve SWORN you were a guy ! EPIPHANY ! haha … my top choice is stanford so i think i’m just going to commit and go to georgetown for grad; i’m still going to visit both though, just to confirm my feelings.</p>

<p>to the rest of the ladies … hair -__- my sister drives me nuts with that hot comb stinch every morning before school. anyway, i guess i can relate … </p>

<p>@the fellas: like mouse said, it’s going to be a hard time finding a good barbershop in palo alto. i guess i’ll just ask the upperclassmen to show me around a few places when i get there, since they know the ropes … but i got used to cutting my own hair with double mirrors and doing my own shape-ups (and they’re actually precise… i go to my friends’ houses with my clippers sometimes to do touch-ups lol) and whatnot so it won’t really be a problem.</p>

<p>Congratulation to you all. </p>


You still have a time to practice.</p>

<p>Lol I think I’m at fault for the hair tangent.</p>

<p>Haha @justadream- I’d die w/o a hot comb. Gets my edges all nice and pretty smh.</p>

<p>I knew all of you guys genders except for jj…I could have sworn she was a guy. I have really soft hair and I wear it naturally. My beautician told me if I ever got a perm my hair would fall out, so no perm for me. Im just going to wear it naturally. I think it looks better that way and its healthier.</p>

<p>Yeah I begged my mom to get me a perm when I was little, wow do I regret that one! </p>

<p>@beautifulnerd this is an important topic :)</p>

<p>i didn’t realize how many girls were in this forum! lol people think I am emo from my username cause of the contrast of black and rose. but the black just stands for me being black and the rose was just something extra. but I have to put a perm in because I look like “bagawires’s third wife” (my mom’s words not mine apparently its a jamaican thing) </p>

be careful with the dreadlocks. what a lot of people don’t know is if you get dreadlocks and decide you don’t want them anymore you have to chop them all of and end up with short hair due to the bees wax they put in it to keep it together (i’m not sure if they still put bee’s wax in it still this was in my mom’s time) </p>

yeah at first i thought you were a guy but then you starting talking about how you had a perm in you head. so i was thinking something was off here or you might be like rev. sharptan (sp?) but then you new more about hair then a guy so I thought that his HE is definatley a SHE lol</p>

<p>i like the turn out of this conversation its helping us to take our minds of april 1st for a while! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>by the way since we are on the topic of hair have you guys seen the movie Good Hair with Chris Rock?</p>

<p>Awww! You guys are cute! Hope that’s okay to say. I went to Howard in the seventies and cut all my hair off for a “twa” ( teeny weenie afro). No perms for a VERY long time, and I have two strand twists now. As a freshman, my D usually only got her hair permed during trips home, but THIS year ventured out, and got her hair done faster and cheaper than she does here!</p>

<p>And with regard to…</p>

<p>". and the barbershops around yale looked a little dangerous to be honest. "</p>

<p>Those places can be great. my son travels to the next town to get his hair done in a slightly dubious area, but he LOVES being there. It’s like a little window into a community where he sort of feels he belongs…</p>

<p>^I love two strand twists. They’re my obsession; I look up pictures of new 2-strand twist hairstyles any chance I get. </p>



<p>I don’t get that often, so I guess it is welcome. :)</p>

<p>@BlackRose21: My brother knows more about hair than I do. :o The embodiment of metrosexuality he is. /yodaspeak
I did see the movie Good Hair, and while I don’t commend the unnecessary screen time he gave to that silly hair show, I am appreciative that he brought out the topic in the first place. I had natural hair until the 8th grade, when a variety of extrinsic factors (peer pressure, some wicked bullying, pejorative comments, and the lack of self-confidence that accompanies the onset of adolescence) came into play and I relaxed it. There’s nothing I regret giving into more. In my opinion, Chris Rock didn’t focus enough on the reasons why African-Americans–the females in particular–relax their hair. He didn’t force the people he interviewed to go beneath the superficial “it makes my hair easier to manage! <em>tee-hee-hee</em>” nonsense. And therein lies my issue with Good Hair. It was fun to watch, though.</p>

<p>oh wow, i just planned on continuing to rock an afro next year (no perms, I’ve worked so hard to stay natural for a little over two years now lol) but that’s probably too boring right? im not even sure how i would change it up though :/</p>

<p>^Do twist-outs and braid outs if you can. There are a lot of variations available with those hairstyles. Bantu knots are kool, too. I do them in my mom’s hair, and they come out quite nicely.</p>

<p>^ i like the texture of the braid outs. the bantu knots are pretty cool but everytime i see one it reminds me of the black girl in then maxtrix. haha yeah that is true guys do know a lot about hair too. but i never saw the movie good hair it just seemed funny from the trailers. but i would like to hear ur opinon on why women perm their hair besides it being easy to manage. I do agree with you on that note.</p>

<p>well justadream92 i thought u were a girl. so HA. how can u guys think im a guy? srsly! I talk like a girl! hahahah
well idk i guess im not the best judge of my posts…i feell like im always freakin out and i write lol 24/7 and i feel like only girls do that. idk. wat do i know anyway?</p>

<p>hair…ugh, yea…i usu do mine myself so no big transition nxt year. I got into UofM today and I will probably end up there so it’s not far from my home so i can go to my usu places for my hair… w/ all of these rejections I’ve been pondering transferring? what do you guys think?</p>

<p>I’m also tempted to use my Native American heritage to my advantage…I know it’s terrible…I don’t attend any meetings and I rly only know about that part of my culture b/c of my grandmother. I didn’t put it on my apps this yr because I kinda felt like it was cheating… ugh…no, i know what ur thinking…it’s terrible… sigh, i had a desperate moment. But I’m still thinking of transferring after fresh or soph yr. The thought of it just makes me feel better even though I probably won’t…lol</p>

<p>not excited 4 April 1! but I am excited to see ‘the last song’! comes out 2morrow and I already read the book…I LOVE NICK SPARKS!</p>