2014 African Americans!

<p>LOL hi inconspicuous ! =D</p>

<p>hi :slight_smile: 10 char
whattt? it’s the truth…</p>

<p>Aw, sorry inconspicuous. :(<br>
'Twas rather difficult to break into this thread as well, I must say. Persistence is key. </p>

<p>How are you doing? Headed back to school after a too-short spring break? :frowning: </p>

<p>I’m going back tomorrow and have yet to complete: 1 AP Government practice test, 2 AP Government chapter outlines, 1 set of 20 AP Biology objectives, the reading of 1 complete AP Biology chapter, 2 AP Art History essays, 5 AP Art History chapter outlines, 2 AP Calculus full-length exams, 2 AP Lit essays, and 1 AP Spanish practice exam.</p>

<p>F. M. L. @#$% you, College Confidential!!!</p>

<p>@Inconspicuous.s.n ur not a newbie. I remember you commented a something a while back. Before I even had an account I think. I believe it was on the tiger woods thread but I may be wrong.</p>

I was thinking of see princeton on the week of the 17th
then harvard on the week of the 24th</p>

<p>idk tho. i rele wanna see penn</p>

<p>everytime i hear the name Tiger Woods, i think of how much trouble I can get in for hanging with white girls. lol</p>

<p>@inconspicuous.s.n., some people had no idea what or where swarthmore was and no one knew about vassar, wesleyan or amherst. Only the educated people i know knew how awesome these schools are so that made me feel a bit better. When choosing my list, i chose a couple of LAC’s for their commitment to teaching undergrads and their small feel. Now, i’m not so sure I want that anymore. I’ve been in a school without around 500 kids and only 98 people in my grade so I want to go to a larger school where I can meet new people all the time.</p>

<p>OMG congrats to everyone!!!</p>

<p>I’ve known where I was going for a while (ED Northwestern) but is anyone else here going there? Or thinking about going there?</p>

<p>@Mouse Have you visited NU?</p>

<p>You guys are SOOOOO AMAZING and every time I come on this site I’m so inspired! I hope I meet people like you all in college :D</p>

<p>@kczprincess: Yeah. I visited. It was cool. I have a friend there that I’m staying overnight with next weekend. It’s barely an hour away from where I live.</p>

<p>It’s official. I’ll be at Cornell days, not the hosting because I’ve missed too much school and I have a college class as well. I’ll be at Cornell the evening of the 6th (maybe), definitely all day the 7th, and a little on the 8th. But since its a 9 hour drive, we’ll probably be leaving early in the morning on the 8th. Time to see if Cornell lives up to the hype. Haha</p>

<p>Any of y’all going to Days On Campus + Perspectives on Diversity at Columbia PM me!</p>

<p>Congrats to all of you and your success. I’m a Stanford grad from 2006 and stumbled across this board while searching for some information about Stanford’s competing colleges. I am so impressed by your acceptances and credentials. I’m originally from Oakland, CA and we hardly ever get positive news about our high school students, so I was glad to see such a strong showing of young black men and women on their way to some of the world’s top universities. </p>

<p>You all are about to embark on a journey that will have such a positive affect on your lives and will open many doors. I just went through the application process again as well (business school) so I can definitely relate to your anguish, excitement, relief, and feelings of accomplishment. I wish we would have had a forum like this back when I was in HS :)</p>

<p>Best of luck everyone, and make sure you take advantage of all the opportunities at your schools - and NETWORK NETWORK NETWORK <– this is more important than what you major in, seriously.</p>

<p>S: upitt…chapel hill…oberlin…bowdoin… Hopkins and Brown… thank god we’re done</p>

<p>not sure which one he’ll end up at …still going over finances probably the full ride to Pitt or we’ll all scrap for Brown…</p>

<p>Congrats to all…very proud of you guys</p>

<p>morehouse anyone?</p>

<p>Two things.</p>

<p>Good memory HBrown. :slight_smile: Really good actually. On the chemistry thing, me too! I absolutely love it. I went on this crazy chemistry kick and took it for three yrs of high school. I knew it would look good on my transcript, but really I just didn’t wanna take AP Physics. And organic chem is notorious for it’s difficulty so I knew it wouldn’t hurt my app too much…chem is fun, so definitely continue on if it’s what you enjoy. Don’t forget bio though.</p>

<p>thefranchise, I respect that. I choose LAC’s for the same thing. I’m not so bothered by the small school thing, bc it’s in such a large city. And Wellesley students take classes at Babson, Olin and MIT, and vv. So, I wan’t too concerned. But, I could see how it could get a bit inclusive after awhile. I’m hoping this doesn’t happen!</p>

<p>Ksarmand- thanks for the advice :slight_smile:
I’m just ready to graduate. That may seem negative, but I’m ready to leave. My district is on some truancy bullshi* that’s ****ing me off…hello, another court date. Everyones getting court date these days. And it’s so funny, cuz every time I say that to ppl their like, “YOU?!”
Is it me or does it feel like the days move slower after break?</p>

<p>Yeah, the days DEFINITELY move slower. Ugh.</p>

<p>I’m at Cornell now. It’s beautiful. I like it. But I find myself comparing it to notre dame alot more than I thought I would. It’s a wonderful place full and it’s full of opportunity though. This will definitely be one of the toughest decisions of my life.</p>

<p>OMG…Mouse, i’m at Cornell also. I already met 2 future roomates. I am somewhat shocked at how diverse Cornell is and How diverse the town of Ithaca is. I am so sick of walking though, this is a really big campus. I am in love with how friendly the student body is.</p>

<p>Maybe we saw each other, but have no idea who each other is. Are you are tomorrow? PM me, we can say hello to each other.</p>

<p>I will be there on sunday you guys!!!</p>

<p>@HBrown, i’m leaving Friday :(</p>

<p>:( I dont think i am going to see any of you guys</p>