<p>I know right! Now the wait is getting more intense lol</p>
<p>I just searched twitter for Elks Scholarships. Someone posted he was one of the 12 state finalists in Ohio. Congrats to the Ohio guy if you happen to be looking at this! It was posted yesterday. Has anyone from MN heard anything??!!</p>
<p>In AL and still nothing. Nobody from my school has heard anything and we had 4 apply</p>
<p>Elks Scholars Twitter: </p>
<p>@ElksScholars 13 Jan
We will be sending email notifications to MVS applicants this week. Stay tuned to your email!</p>
<p>Just got the email saying I’ve advanced to the next round! Not sure if next round means district level or what :l</p>
<p>Just got an email saying I’ve been forwarded to the next level of judging!</p>
<p>it must mean district</p>
<p>I just got one saying I did not advance. I think I’m gonna go cry in a corner. Lol Does anybody know if that means to state or district?</p>
<p>I didn’t get an email at all? Gosh it would make me mad if my lodge didn’t turn in my application in the first place…</p>
<p>Is everyone getting an email??</p>
<p>I wish I knew if it was state or district, also. My daughter received the email saying she did advance, but we also have no idea whether this means district or state.</p>
<p>And if it’s district, will they then send another notice out to those who advance to state?</p>
<p>This seems to be happening differently than it did in years past, as I’ve read through some of these threads.</p>
<p>As with everything in this college process, which everything didn’t take so long …</p>
<p>Just got the email that I’ve moved on! Hope my lodge contacts me for a little scholarship. :)</p>
<p>I didn’t get any email. Something must be wrong.</p>
<p>I just called my lodge, and they said they won’t know until March/April…</p>
<p>@larryle2 I didn’t get an email either. </p>
<p>I have a feeling I’m not gonna advanced anyways. Lol.</p>
<p>Did anybody else not get an email?</p>
<p>I got an email today at 6:26 PM from the National Elks Foundation.</p>
<p>APPARENTLY, I didn’t advance to the next level.</p>
<p>Oh well. I’m still a Coca Cola Semifinalist xD</p>
<p>Over n’ out, y’all.</p>
<p>Wow! Coca Cola Semi-finalist is wonderful! congrats on that.</p>
<p>Thank you!! :)</p>
<p>We are hearing back about finalist status soon, so -holds breath-.</p>
<p>You win some, you lose some.</p>
<p>Made it to thenext round! Don’t know what level, but at least its something! :)</p>
<p>We must be twins! I’ve also advanced in the Elks competition and I’m feverishly awaiting the results of the Coca Cola finalist phase.
<p>Aw, I didn’t advance.</p>