2015 African Americans thread...

<p>took my ACT cold and got a 25, so will take it in april with prep.Lots of prep.</p>

<p>^Good luck. You can definitely improve if you prep for the test. That’s what I did for my PSAT and it improved by 40 points.</p>

<p>Nice job nil, I wish I could get an 800 in CR.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice.I hope I can get it up.</p>

<p>Yay class of 2015! I’m applying to Cornell ED College of Engineering and I’m still debating whether or not to apply for Quest Bridge. The more current application I’m waiting for is Caltech’s YESS Summer Program.</p>

<p>Hey guys! I’m so excited for this whole college process.
I just took SATs and got a lot worse than expected…
Math:770-Missed one question, bleh…
Writing-610-I was really surprised, I honestly thought i was gonna get 680+</p>

<p>Looks like i need to start studying.</p>

<p>Seeing everyones good SATs scores is making me nervous… I’m taking them next month !</p>

<p>You will do fine.</p>

<p>hahaha,envoy707 your sat numbers add up to 2010 same as my number!
what are the odds
harambee, you can get an 800 on CR- just memorize vocab. when i was an 8th grader i memorized 2 vocab books because of a vocab contest and i haven’t studied for cr ever since.
no lie.
now if someone could only help me with math…(sigh)</p>

<p>hahaha, that’s pretty cool.</p>

<p>i need major critical reading help though…that’s a nice reading score. How do you advise to study for the passage based questions?</p>

<p>we need to go take the sat together…i’ll do math, you do reading =D</p>

<p>Yeah, sweet!
Who does writing though?/??</p>

<p>uhh, my friend got an 800 on writing. haha, i’ll ask him.</p>

<p>where are you applying?</p>

<p>Hey where are all the 2015ers!!!</p>

<p>i don’t know yet
I like Columbia
U chicago
and others but my gpa’s only a 3.750…</p>

<p>^ 3.75 isn’t an only.
I love the history and quirkiness of Chicago. I wish I wasn’t an engineering major.</p>


<p>I’m also a black 2015er.</p>

<p>And I’m taking 4 or 5 APs plus two IB tests. We’re in the middle of Internal Assessment crunch time for IB classes. :(</p>

<p>And my first choices is Stanford right now, but I’m likely also going to apply to MIT, Princeton, Rice, Swarthmore, UPenn, and Texas. </p>

<p>I’m pretty glad that I have UT as a safety school, as they seed their honors programs on class rank percentile, and their business and comp sci are both regarded as top 10 programs by most sources.</p>

<p>I’m in a similar situation as you, first year of IB, got the 4 APs and 2 IBs. What classes are you testing out in this year?</p>

<p>aahh, i wish i had IB’s…</p>

<p>is anyone taking dual enrollment senior year ? i’m stuck between doing ap english 12 or dual enrollment english where i could get 6 college credits rather than just 1 …</p>

<p>I’m testing Physics SL and Math Studies (lol) SL.</p>

<p>And then I’m doing Chemistry, Statistics, Macroeconomics, and Psychology AP. And maybe Physics B?</p>

<p>My whole goal is to do a “weaker” IB courseload to get the diploma, to open APs on useful courses like Chemistry, Physics C and Calculus so credit is easier to come by. Physics HL is new at our school, Math SL doesn’t lend itself well to credit and Chem HL is kind of a crapshoot on scores at our school, so I didn’t want to risk anything on those classes.</p>

<p>I wish we had IB Economics though :/</p>

<p>What are you testing out of this year?</p>

<p>And IB isn’t <em>that</em> great all the time. It is quite stressful at times. However, recent graduates do say that it gets you used to a college workload.</p>

<p>^^ If your school offers AP English, I’d take that as opposed to the dual enrollment. While I’m not likely to do dual enrollment during the school day, I want to take Chemistry and an Introduction to Computer Science course at the CC next year.</p>