2015 Chancellor Powers Knapp Scholarship Results Thread

Hi everyone! I applied to this scholarship, and have been beside myself with anxiety waiting for the results to post! Does anyone know when we will be receiving emails notifying us of our status? This scholarship could mean so much for me and my family.

I heard that it will be starting next week. The office staff will call or email each candidate to notify the decision.

@nenbe97 Have you heard anything from the Chancellor Powers Knapp Scholarship?

I was called on Monday and notified that I received the chancellors scholarship, the woman who called me was the director of the program and I don’t think she had finished making all of the phone calls.

@outofstategirl, do you mind to tell us your stats? It seems to me you among the first ones who received “the call”. I think they call students with high stats [the most qualified] first.

@outofstategirl, did you also receive email? Did the director give you a deadline to accept it? In the past, I see one student rejected the scholarship offer because he decided to go to Stanford, and he said his award was given to other student who didn’t get it at first.

I haven’t gotten an email or an update on my student account where it says financial aid/awards and she hasn’t given me a deadline to accept it, but she told me that there was a packet in the mail so I might have more information on that once I get it in the next week or so.

My stats aren’t as impressive as I would have thought would be needed to win the scholarship so I was speechless when I got the call.
I have a 30 ACT (though my english and reading were 36 and 34… I’m just terrible at math so it brought the composite down… but I’m sure they know I have no interest in a math related major!) and my GPA is a 3.80.

What probably made me stand out were the EC’s I had. I’m really politically active and I’m involved in a group called the Jewish and Latino Teen Coalition, we talk to representatives of government about issues that are important to us like immigration reform and Israel American relations. I’m the captain of my high schools tennis team, I started as the worst player and worked my way up. My tennis coach wrote me a letter of recommendation along with two teachers. In addition I am a member of many Jewish youth groups and I am also African American so I work to bridge the two groups together. I participated in some other extracurricular activities in my school as well.

I also had essays that were very strong so that combined with my activities probably really helped!

The director spoke with me for close to a half hour so if you have any other questions I’m happy to answer them :slight_smile:

@outofstategirl, Thank you so much for your reply! No wonder why you got the first call and from the director. Thirty minutes of her time, you are well deserved it. I can tell that I’m seeing a future leader here. Congrats!

I hope you accept the offer, and we may have a chance to meet in Madison.

@woodbury2010 Thank you! Hope to meet you in Madison as well!

@woodbury2010 i haven’t heard back yet and am close to a full fledged panic attack! i have a 30 ACT and 3.7 GPA, and wrote a (very good?) essay about how cutting my hair short and taking it out of the bun i wore it in for several years sort of freed me as a person and allowed me to flourish into the person i am today.

Anybody besides @outofstategirl got the call ?

@outofstategirl , I heard that the call sounded like an interview, and the caller didn’t say whether or not you got the scholarship until the last minutes. Is it true from your call?

@woodbury2010 what does your last name start with? i think they might be going through the list alphabetically, but i could be wrong so don’t take my word on that. my last name starts with an N, and from what i’ve seen on facebook, the people who’ve received it already had last names that started with a B and D. but idk for sure that’s how they’re doing it, i called to ask about the notification process like 5 times but i just got the answering machine. :frowning: i’ve emailed them twice already, and three times seems excessive, but if i don’t hear by today, i’m emailing again.

@nenbe97 , I think you have a good point here. My last name start with W, so if your hypothesis is true, I have to wait a few weeks :frowning: .

@woodbury2010 and to further my theory, i searched ‘powers knapp’ on twitter and saw when people got the scholarship last year, their last names roughly coincided with when the received the scholarship. the latest to receive was around april 20th, so i am hoping that’s how they’re doing it this year! furthermore, i think they would send a mass email to everyone who didn’t receive the scholarship at the start of april, instead of notifying them in accordance to their last name. as you can tell, i am filled with anxiety and have done a lot of research on this topic!

@nenbe97 It seems pretty quiet this year on this topic compared with previous years, right? I think they sent out rejection letter before. Not sure about this year since nobody says anything yet. If only the director makes each call for 30 minutes, imagine how long it would take for her to complete 100+ calls.

@outofstategirl , what does your last name start with?

Anyone else is accepted/rejected ?

My last name starts with a B. The phone call wasn’t an interview and she told me that I they were impressed with my application and selected me as a recipient of the chancellors scholarship and described how I would be paired with a mentor and be a part of the group of scholars at the school. Unfortunately I don’t have any information on whether or not anyone else has been notified

She said I got the scholarship about 5 minutes into our conversation, after that she told me more about what the scholarship is! She allowed me to ask my questions for the last few minutes so I suppose in that sense it was kind of like an interview :slight_smile: