2016 Chancellor's and Powers-Knapp Scholarship

I am from Wisconsin as I said before :slight_smile:

I got the call tonight (9:10 p.m.) letting me know that I got the Powers-Knapp Scholarship!

Did you get an email prior to the call? Do they have a certain number of ethnicities? How many people get each? Sorry, I just really need this scholarship and I am very nervous I might not get it :frowning:

Has anyone received information that they have not received the scholarship?

Does anybody know how many recipients of the scholarship there are?

Hey there. Just got the call today at 12:40 saying I’m in the power’s knapp! Just want to leave my credentials so you guys know that you don’t need to be a perfect student.
Illinois resident (cherokee background)
ACT: 29 GPA (Weighted) : 4.2
Involved in NHS, football, and other extracurriculars. Moderate community service hours. But I worked very hard on my application and was a diligent student.

When did you all submit your application for the scholarships?

I submitted my application on February 1st

@Tatertot4 I didn’t receive an email prior to the call. Congrats to everyone who was awarded!!

D received the call last night - getting the Chancellor’s. Great news! D is from Arizona, did not receive an email in advance of the call.

@thelongshotkid - heard anything?

Best of luck to all!

Hey all! Congratulations to anyone awarded the scholarship! I was awarded last night (through phone call) and (like other recipients) I did not get an e-mail prior to the call. Good luck to the rest of you all who still haven’t heard

Quick question to anyone who has gotten the Chancellor’s scholarship- did any of you recieve an email yet on what to do next??

Is anyone else here concerned about all of the recent racial incidents and personal accounts from the hashtag #therealuw on social media? I’m extremely grateful to have received this scholarship, but this university doesn’t look like a great place for people of color.

@muse256 I have not heard anything about this, but I am interested in learning more. Can you explain the situation to me or send me an article link? If this is a serious issue, I may have to cross the University of Wisconsin-Madison off of my list. However, I must say that even if this is a big issue, it’s probably not exclusive to UW-Madison. The current political climate may be instigating this type of behavior all across the country, not just in Wisconsin.

@GeographySage @muse256 yea I recently read about that and i heard it’s actually pretty bad I’m not sure if I want to go there as much here is an article https://wisc.therival.news/2016/04/13/therealuw-a-time-for-change/

Has anyone been put on the waitlist for the scholarship? At least this isn’t a flat out rejection right

FYI just got rejected from the scholarship. Congratulations and good luck to anyone else!

@GeographySage a recent event as of today.

@Natalie278 Very interesting. One one hand, some people would say that calling for the resignation of some the administration to resign is absurd. On the other hand, most of civil right’s successes have come from civil disobedience. I can’t wait to see how this turns out!

Has anyone not accepted their admission to Madison?

Update - D just declined her Chancellor’s Scholarship tonight and will not be attending UW-Madison this coming year. D wants to stay closer to home in Arizona. I support her decision of course but what a missed opportunity. So, for anyone out there still praying for a last minute miracle just keep your fingers crossed. Best of luck to you!