2021-2022 USC Transfer

NO, you gotta believe!!! You gotta FIGHT ON!!! :cow:


They do. I transferred in credit for Spanish I and Spanish II. I took Spanish III at USC and it was one of my favorite classes. I donā€™t believe Marshall has any kind of foreign language requirement though.

Bruh literally all I wanted for my birthday today was to get an admissions decision from USCā€¦ looks like weā€™re going to have to wait a bit longer. I want to say that Friday feels good on the mind but I could be wrong. Again.


Well either way at maximum they have till June 1st so we can expect one anytime from now. I just hate that its rolling because nobody has any clue what day theirs will come out. Iā€™m tired of watching my status page. Anywaysssssssssssssssssssss letā€™s hope for this Friday because it sounds best :slight_smile:

What really sucks is housing will be a struggle lol


Yeah I live in Texas, if I get in, packing up and moving cross country in only two and a half months time makes me a little uncomfortable lol. Probably wonā€™t even get to physically see the place I pick beforehand either unfortunately.


No matter how long I wait, if I get accepted, I will commute to USC at a nearby hotel.


Good morning/afternoon everyone, Happy Sunday. @creativetrailblazer my gut has failed me all month so I decided to let ā€œJesus take the wheelā€ Decisions are going to come sooner or later (no later than 31May), I realized even if I receive an SGR, I will not be able to submit my grades until the 1st week of June. So, there really is no reason for me to obsess over looking at the portal and I moved all my USC emails to my VIP list and it has a distinct phone notificationā€¦ so I will focus on coming in as strong as I can for the spring grades (in case they do ask for it) and doing things to occupy my mind until someone mentions they received a decision or I hear my phone notification that I got a status update on the portal.


I am crossing my fingers that this week is the week!


anyone think decisions could come out before thursday?

Yes, obviously there is always a chance. I would say only a few would trickle out however. I think end of this week or end of next is the best bet.

Hey all! Like most of you, Iā€™m quite nervous. I literally have a tab open that refreshes every morning hoping for a response. But, it is what it is. It seems as if no one has received a response yet. But I saw 2 people receive responses in late April which makes me even more nervous as to why it takes so long. Recently I received a winter grades request, what was weird was I didnā€™t receive an email or a letter, just an update on the checklist they have on the portal that I was lucky enough to catch on my usual daily refreshes. But when I was looking around everyone was talking about spring grade requests and I couldnā€™t really find anything on Winter grade requests? Is it a good sign or a normal part of the process? Either way it was refreshing to see something different but like everyone just waiting for a solid answer. Best of luck to you all!

In this day and age, applicants have to check their portals to any school they apply to, most schools are not holding anyoneā€™s hand and kicking out emails (and certainly not a letter these days) to remind them to do things, applicants have to be pro-active. If ya snooze, ya lose, thereā€™s plenty on top of things to take the spot.

Many think of winter grades as those from December, but some schools are just now posting winter quarter grades since that term just ended in late March/April. Even though they ask for grades through fall term, if something else is available between Jan - May, those should be sent as well. In both cases, with spring/winter grade requests, they are just asking for current grades that they donā€™t already have.


Just to give everyone a little insight, I submitted my SGR on the 13th of May. SCA emailed me back informing me that decisions will come out at the beginning of June. I applied for film production.

It seems that for SGR people, final decisions come out at least 2 weeks after spring grades are submitted.

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Is housing guaranteed for TTPers?

Not guaranteed but they try. This year will be challenging for housing overall and it also depends on when app is turned in.

oh so housing is on first come first serve basis?

Yes. It is challenging for transfers to housing during a normal year and it is those who are notified first that have the best chance. Fortunately, a lot of transfers are from surrounding areas and donā€™t need housing, or they are older and choose to live off campus anyway because they donā€™t want the restrictions of a dorm.

Sometimes spots may open in later summer, but it may be long after someone needs/wants to commit to another housing arrangement. This year, they have sent out all kinds of warnings that housing is a bit up in the air for several groups of continuing students (upper classman) and for housing in general, of those that there are spaces for, those vaccinated will get priority.

Do you know anything about grad housing or in campus apartments? Are they same as the dorms in terms of little chance of being able to find one?