2021-2022 USC Transfer

@zettasyntax oh I am tracking now… (i read the history comments) Thank you @Smtransferguy it makes more sense now. :slight_smile: This old brain of mine can get me sometimes… lol


I often ramble so maybe the part where I mentioned my acceptance got buried/lost. I applied twice. I graduated several years ago. I was just sharing that USC can really make us transfers wait - sometimes even longer than they promise to. I think my case that second year was more of a hiccup than anything; it doesn’t seem to happen all that often.


@zettasyntax is a transfer alum. Has been active and super helpful here for years! We posted :point_up_2:at same time!


Hi! This is my first time making a post on this thread but I have been eyeing it for a while now. Tbh I’m losing hope on my USC app. I am a freshman transfer applicant and didn’t get a SGR. Furthermore, nothing has changed on my application page even though everything is marked as received. Should I be concerned? I just got rejected from UPenn today and am trying to decide if I should just take my Boston U offer or hold out for USC and NYU.

When do you need to let BU know? I say HOLD OUT!!!

I just got an SGR for Viterbi CSBA!!! I sent it in already last week and my it was a 4.0 for spring semester with classes such as Linear Algebra and Discrete math for the major. Crossing my fingers this means good news.


I’m in the exact same situation, except I applied to UMiami instead of UPenn.

Yes, I agree that you should try to hold out for USC/NYU if those are your top choices. However, if it the deadline for BU is almost here, I would strongly suggest accepting the offer as a backup. I did the same when USC didn’t notify me of anything by the deadline for most other schools’ commitment date. I went with UCLA because I didn’t want to risk having nowhere to go. I later withdrew and even got the money back that I had put down on their housing payment plan.


Just got an SGR… tbh I’m not really happy but ig I gotta keep up my grades. Gl to all those still waiting!

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Just got an SGR for CS (Viterbi).

Stats if you care:

Will have 76 credits completed.
4.0 Total (intend to maintain it this semester).
All prereqs completed before Spring 2021.

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Everyone who got SGR today applied to Viterbi?

I am csba so im kind of in a similar boat as you. by 76 credits do you mean 76 credits taken at your current college or ap credit included as well? i have a total of 27 credits completed rn (30 with retroactive credit for an intro cs course) so 27 graded overall but i have 32 ap credits applicable at my current university but i think 16 of those would qualify at usc. i think i also have the pre reqs they listed out done such as linear alg, calc classes, english, and natural science (this one was taken care by ap bio though)

I have 72, if not including AP credits.

Yes I applied to Viterbi 1st choice, no second choice


seems like it

5th rejection tonight with UPenn. It’s so disheartening. I am an URM and low income applicant who apparently can’t compete. Feeling blue.

Just a question for @CADREAMIN and @zettasyntax and other USC Admission veterans, I was wondering is it ok if I upload a self-made PDF of my unofficial grades for the SGR? My university unfortunately does not report its own unofficial in-progress grade transcripts (just official), but I was hoping if I made a PDF myself that would be fine?

not a veteran transfer but I am a prospective transfer. Call the usc office of undergraduate admissions. The lady on the phone was super helpful

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Ya, I’ll contact Admissions tomorrow about it - unfortunately it’s past 5 today so they won’t pick rn. Thx for the suggestion!

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ya, that’s a new one…and not sure about that at all…so a totally home grown pdf versus a snipit of a screen shot? And when does your term end? They aren’t really looking for in-progress reports, they want the final grades for the classes. That is something you could send your AO to say how you are doing, but not thinking that flies for the SGR.

But agree, you can def call USC admissions to be sure - that’s what they are there for. Just don’t ask them when decisions come out, ha, they have all kinds of standard or made-up answers for that. :slight_smile: