2021-2022 USC Transfer

Ya, it’s a totally home grown pdf lol. I am at a Quarter system that ends mid June, so I know it may not even qualify as an SGR to send in the homemade pdf. However, I don’t think my final grades will change from the in-progress ones, so I am in the idk territory rn. I’ve already uploaded the homemade SGR, but I’ll talk to admissions to see wt they say. I’m interested in USC, but just a little scared cuz SGR decisions may go all the way until July 31 and that leaves me with very little time to plan for housing and other important things… We’ll c hoping for the best ig.

Hi, which college are you transferring from? Is it semester or quarter system?

Update: it just got check marked green! - is this automated :joy:?



Still ok to put it up there as it shows you are still interested. Maybe drop your AO an email that says you uploaded that for now until you get final grades in June, but expect them to remain steady between now and then. Good luck!

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Sounds great @CADREAMIN I will be sure to do that - thanks for all your help as usual!

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do you really have to upload SGR or they will let you know

is our AO based on our high school region

Yeah, CADREAMIN had pretty much the same opinion as me. I was also going to say it’s a situation I haven’t exactly come across and that it would be best the contact your admissions officer. I don’t really think it would be enough, but like you said, at least it’s something for the moment. When I got my SGR way back when, it took them almost 2 weeks to get back to me. My semester ended June 9th, grades were finalized by June 15th, and I got my decision on the 27th. SGR decisions can drag into July (especially for quarter system peeps), but not many take quite that long. It is a grueling wait for some though. Fingers crossed that you aren’t in store for that long of a wait.


oh nice i might be in similar position as u haha cuz my semester end May 25 but my grades are finalized on June 9! Feels so late all I can hope for is that sweet acceptance but who knows haha

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Also, I got my SGR on May 4 lol

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I got my SGR on April 23rd, so I had to wait quite some time before I had any grades to send them. I know, it definitely sucks ending the semester so late. It just adds to an already long wait.

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ya just hoping for good news at this point because my guess is that I probably will not get a decision until like 5 weeks later. assuming they give me my decision 2 weeks after my submit my sgr

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I’m non-ttp/non legacy and I haven’t received anything yet. This makes me even more nervous y’all. I’m still staying positive and hoping for the best though. :sob::crossed_fingers:t3::sparkles:


same bro, i got over 64 transferable credits and havent heard anything yet

Aww man I have 42 transferable units im hella scared now :skull: :woozy_face:

i really hope they dont pull a ucla and accept half of what they usually do, that’s what im scared of right now

oh jeez just release the decisions already!!!

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Just got a request for SGR… CoE, it is so late man, they probably gonna release the decision around July…

What did you apply for mate?