2021-2022 USC Transfer

Don’t let your disposition discourage you from pressing forward mate. Keep your head and heart up. I know rejection is rough but remember that failure is formative. It is the stepping stool for your success, not your demise. Stay hard.


Junior transfer from CCC applying to Marshall school of business!


If you go on USC’s admission page for scheduling the virtual admission seminar, you will see that the final date that prospective students can schedule a virtual seminar is May 28th. The months after May are blank.

Comparatively, to the other available seminars, it is the only seminar without any follow-on dates. This leads me to believe decisions are on track to be released around the 28th.

This is an assumption but I believe the months to follow will more than likely be used to in-process admitted students and finalize and lingering SGRs and late decisions.

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yup I feel like decisions will come out on or before the 28th

And I spoke with my admission counselor they said anytime now, hang in there guys whats 12 more days max lol


Hey btw does anyone know if a lot of ppl end up getting accepted after an SGR if they show good gpa trends and finish their pre-req’s or is it just like random

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I’m so nervous!

I’m really hoping for results to start coming out on May 21st. My friend got admitted last year on May 21st. I’m a junior transfer with a 3.9 GPA from a UC. Other than WGR, my portal looks the same. I busted my ass off this past year to maintain my grades, so I hope all of our hard work will pay off. We’re almost there!

Same! I have a 4.0 and I’ve really worked super hard to keep it up! I just graduated from Community college with an AS in CS at CCSF (San Francisco) which I did part time for 3 years. I’ve been working as an electrician for 8 years and applied for USC CS. I got accepted to UCB for EECS but USC is my top choice!

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Hopefully we hear back good results. Good luck!


Yea my friend was admitted may 21 last year as well, seems like a really good guess for this year. :crossed_fingers:


Do they send out FA packages with admission letters or they follow later?

to my understanding, FA packages will come a few days to a week later.


r u a sophomore transfer? also, where r u transferring from?

does anyone know IF admitted, how much time we get to make a commitment?

The admissions team said by June 1st or two weeks after your acceptance, whichever comes later.

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Does anyone have an idea of what the tuition deposit will be?

USC website says 300

Weird question, but does anyone know if there have ever been cases where students received an SGR after submitting spring grades? I mean that AO’s already made the decision to push an SGR out on a certain day, but spring grades were submitted between the time the decision was made and when it was reflected in the portal. Would the SGR just appear and already have a green checkmark?