2021-2022 USC Transfer

@KendraVixLi Thank you for explaining SGR to posters 832 times. Usually I am the one repeating the same info over and over and over (it’s just how it is, no one reads backwards), but it has been wonderful to have such a supportive helping hand these last several weeks —or has it been months—pandemic time is hard to track. :slight_smile:

Wishing you great news soon - you so deserve it with all that sunshine you carry around.


Lol… I don’t mind explaining if it’s something I came to understand from reading. I saw that USC had put a blog up on specifically what a SGR is and how it’s just Admissions way to request for more information on an applicant. I understand how stress we all are firsthand so reading about all I can helps with the stress and anxiety. Thank you for your kind words I am really hoping for really good news… Price Graduation was today and the last day of graduation ceremonies is Thursday so I am crossing my fingers for all the confetti emojis and fight on symbols to come across my screen. :v:t4::tada::confetti_ball::heart::yellow_heart: go


You the best!

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Hello everyone! I’m a long time lurker here. My daughter applied to USC as a junior transfer from CSULB for Psychology/Linguistics. She received an SGR on 5/5. Her semester just finished so we submitted her grades yesterday. We’re from NYC and she absolutely loves Cali so she wanted to try and stay out there for school.

Good luck everyone!


Just dug through last years thread and it looks like the Thursday of last year this week was a big day for acceptances (Viterbi, Marshall, Dornsife, and maybe others? I think I saw a Price acceptance or two). Friday was big too, actually for rejections, and a fair amount of spring admits. I hope they bump up the schedule one day, just so we get them tonight rather than tomorrow. On a side note, I think last year’s schedule was out of the ordinary, so maybe we shouldn’t get too excited XD.

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Hello! Do you know her GPA and if she was enrolled any prereqs/GE in the spring?

Her cumulative GPA is 3.78 and term GPA is 3.81. She didn’t take any USC prereqs in the spring.

ETA : she actually took her physical science prereq in the spring.

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Nice! Good luck! I also have a 3.79 gpa and I am a psychology major (sophomore standing) coming from Pasadena CC. I haven’t heard anything back yet!

did she also apply with an alternative?

Thank you :slight_smile: I appreciate all the kind words and gratitude. I am thankful that I can be helpful to you guys and myself. This has been an experience for me for I did not have the opportunity in high school to apply to colleges like my peers. Being from a military family I looked up to my dad and admired his sacrifice he made while he served. However, my dad always stressed how important it was to always seek knowledge and I was planning to start applying but the day the twin towers were attacked, was the day I realized my path and promised I will go back to school one way or another. So, here I am…retired and going back to school like I promised.

Sorry if I went into something personal, I felt like sharing


Im a sophomore SCA applicant with a 4.0. I’ve received a SGR just now


You are still in the game!!! Just hang in there

This is so sweet, I loved reading this. :’-)

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To everyone still wondering about SGRs. There is a post about it on the USC Admission Blog. The Skinny on Spring Grade Requests (SGR)


Good luck to your daughter! I always enjoy seeing another linguistics fan :slightly_smiling_face:

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Did you get an email about the SGR or did you just happen to check your portal and see it?

I was just checking my portal. No email. But I know I received it today because it wasn’t there yesterday

This happened to me as well, but you get an email maybe a few days after. Our portal seems to be notified first

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Hypothetically, if USC requests a SGR and then you get all As this semester wouldn’t they HAVE to admit you? Because I mean asking for your spring grades and then you do the best you can possibly do and they still reject you would be a ---- move!

Admission requesting a SGR isnt necessarily about the GPA… there could be a number of reasons why they are asking for it.
Unfortunately, USC does not have to do accept you because of your 4.0. There have been applicants who were denied with perfect grades and those who had less than accepted. USC is truly holistic in their process and they look at the whole person whether or not they are a good fit.