2021 Pre-Screen Thread

It is my understanding that Curtis is still making decisions as to in person versus virtual live auditions, or a combination for prelims/finals. As Curtis admits students almost exclusively based on performance, it would be reasonable to assume that the virtual format would be a live remote audition. Best of luck to all of the musicians out there.


thank you!

Recent update from juilliard.
School has been paying close attention to COVID-19 pandemic developments, and to the progression of the omicron variant. As noted in previous emails, we have pledged to take whatever steps are necessary to keep our applicants, students, faculty, and staff safe.

As of today, our hope is to hold music auditions in person, as scheduled in late February and early March. However, we wish to alert you to the possibility that we may need to hold auditions remotely, depending on the advice of our medical consultants. IF WE CHANGE TO REMOTE AUDITIONS, WE WILL CONTACT YOU AS SOON AS THAT DECISION IS MADE. Please read our emails for updates, rather than emailing to ask us if anything has changed; we will let you know if it has.

So far daughter (BM Performance Tenor Trombone) has heard from/has auditions scheduled with UNT, Oberlin, Boston Conservatory/Berklee and Eastman. Already have an acceptance from Univ. of Kentucky (auditioned in the fall). Still waiting to hear back from Bard. Good luck everyone - pulling hard for all of our kids!


Just curious how many people that applied to Vanderbilt/Blair have heard back on prescreening results? I know some people that have heard already and was curious who else has received results or any info regarding whether there will still be in-person auditions at the time?

The spring term at Vandy/Blair was supposed to start on January 10, but got pushed back to January 18. They are probably scrambling at the moment. Best of luck.

My daughter applied to music comp at Blair and has not heard anything yet.

Just heard from Juilliard and Peabody today for Classical Voice/baritone BM. Asked to audition live for both!


Congratulations! My D, classical voice/soprano as well!


Has anyone heard from Curtis?

Heard from Vandy/Blair today that I passed prescreening. Audition will be recorded with a Zoom interview (BM Violin)


Nothing yet on Curtis, Mannes, Carnegie Mellon or Purchase.

My son passed his prescreen for voice at Curtis. He received the message this morning.

Edited to add that the first audition will be virtual.


Way to go! Curtis!! Wow.

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My son (baritone) just got Curtis too! :tada:


Thank you so much! Has a couple friends from previous years who made it to the first audition, but doesn’t know anyone who got past that point!


Congrats to your son @Mcecere!


Well done! Super impressive!

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Curtis is incredibly selective— just passing the prescreen is a huge deal, regardless whether they get admitted.

I’d love to hear how it all goes. My S didn’t apply to any stand alone conservatories.


You are right - he is very appreciative to have made it this far and we are incredibly proud of how he has managed this process almost single-handedly.

I will definitely keep folks in the loop - son has been staying quiet about his college process until he makes a decision, so I’m skirting that fine line while trying to honor his request to keep mum. :blush: