<p>I'm a spring admit and I'm wondering if my 2nd semester grades are okay...</p>
<p>1st semester I got one B (4.3 W, 3.8 UW) and let's say this semester (worst case scenario) I'll get 3 B'S (4.0 W, 3.5 UW).....they aren't going to care are they?? I've never had more than 2 B's a semester, so that's why I'm worried. So Im just wondering if they care that you get more Bs than usual? and do they look at your grades weighted or unweighted? Thanks :)</p>
<p>Don’t even worry about it. Honestly, you’re just being paranoid. You should start being worried if C’s start showing up, which doesn’t seem to be an issue with you.</p>
<p>Oh, and I’m a Spring Admit too!</p>
<p>Thanks btbam91 and that’s cool that you’re a spring admit too! I know Im paranoid, but being paranoid about my grades got me into USC
<p>Me too buddy. Are you going to the football games this fall? I’m trying to get some spring admits together to go to the football games.</p>
<p>I haven’t decided if Ill get the season tickets or not, so I’ll get back to you if I plan on going to them. sounds like a good idea though!</p>
<p>-get season tickets
-don’t get Cs</p>
<p>You’re beyond fine, Cs won’t do a thing.</p>
<p>Ds on the otherhand will put you on probation.</p>