4 B's in first semester sophomore year

Ok, so this past semester was very disappointing for me, I ended with a B in AP Euro, a B in Chemistry Honors, a B in English 10 Honors, a B in Math 3(aka Algebra 2), and an A in Spanish 3. Basically, my question is, let’s say hypothetically, I get all A’s this coming semester, junior and senior year, are my chances of getting into top-tier universities like UC Berekely or UCLA gone? A lot of people tell me colleges like to see improvement and everything but I want to know from different points of view… I have been doing a lot of volunteering and other extracurriculars like being on the Tennis team, and next year I will be on board for two clubs at school… Please let me know, Thank you.

btw i’m in math 3 honors aswell

It’s super school specific. At D’s schools lots of kids get lots of B’s and get into top colleges. Just do your best and see where you stand later in junior year.

Agree with the poster above and strive to do well and see where you end of up at the end of Junior year. Getting 4 B’s is not a rejection from these schools.

UC’s use only 10-11th grades in their GPA calculation. Freshman and Senior grades are only reviewed to determine if you have met and completed all the a-g course requirements. Senior grades will also maintain your provisional admission since all UC’s have GPA and grade criteria that has to be met once accepted.

Theoretically if you have 5 a-g classes each semester and you get A’s for the next 3 semesters with at least 4 classes being AP or UC approved Honors classes, you could still end up with a 4.2 UC capped weighted GPA.

Here is the calculator link and can plug in different grade scenarios: https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/

Also there are so many great schools in which to consider so do not focus just on 1 or 2 which a Reach schools for the majority of applicants anyways.

Best of luck.

I encourage you to take a broader perspective on your next stage of life.
UCs care a LOT more about your GPA than your ECs. If you want to go to one of them (especially those 2), you need to get better grades. Maybe less time one ECs and fun so you can study, and maybe take easier classes. But, perhaps that would make you miserable. All work and no play for a bettter chance at an elite UC is a stressful way to go through high school.

Too many kids have themselves twisted in knots as if attending an elite school is their only shot at a meaningful life - which is, of course a false premise. Unchecked, I’ve seen it cause serious mental health problems in promising kids.

IMHO, at this stage of your life you should be kind of finding yourself, clubs, sports and some challenging classes are a great experiment that you can build on. Some stuff you’ll dig deeper into, other you’ll step away from. If you keep doing things you enjoy, while earning As and Bs, in high school, you’ll have plenty of options for what to do next. It probably won’t be at UCB but, you’ll be a better person for it. Schools like Sonoma, Chico and SJSU are accessible to applicants with B+ GPA and all generate well qualified grads who are sought after by employers. CCs also offer a great path called TAG to most of the UCs.

Be the best YOU you can be and let the chips fall where they may.

Thank you so much for your replies! I looked through each one and thank you for the advice, really appreciate it!

Just strive to do your best and remain motivated! This is highly school specific and lots of colleges like to see improvement in grade!

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continue working hard!!

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