A+ equals what?

<p>Pardon my dumbness; could probably find this somewhere at UA site…but…what does an A+ work out to GPA-wise? 4.2? 4.3?</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!!</p>



<p>Here’s the link from the catalog:</p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>Thanks so much!!</p>

<p>Check out UA’s handy-dandy GPA calculator here: [GPA</a> Calculator](<a href=“Home - The Culverhouse College of Business”>Home - The Culverhouse College of Business)</p>

<p>Note that while an A+ can be used to offset an A- to arrive at a GPA of 4.0, and an abundance of A+'s can be “stockpiled” to offset future A-'s, it is UA’s policy that a student’s semester or cumulative GPA will never be calculated to be higher than 4.0. The calculator referenced above has this rule programmed into it.</p>

<p>Can an A+ offset a previous semester’s A-? I will matriculate this fall as a freshman, and I am transferring in an A- dual enrollment credit. Is there any way to bring my UA GPA up to a 4.0?</p>

<p>And do all classes at UA have an A+ option, or just a select few?</p>



<p>Yes. I’m not knowledgeable enough to know if this applies to courses you may be transferring in, though I suspect it does.</p>

<p>If you’re applying to med schools, then an A+ will not count for more than 4.0. AMCAS recalculates everyone’s GPA, and an A+ doesn’t get additional points.</p>

<p>Does this mean all letter grades get converted to their whole point, or is it just for A+?</p>

<p>Just the A+ gets treated this way.</p>

<p>you will have a couple different GPAs. i don’t know all the specifics, but one for hours transferred in, one for hours at UA and one that includes all of your hours.</p>

<p>My transferred DE GPA won’t be that great, I think only a 3.25 or so. Is that a big deal?</p>

<p>it is what it is. nothing you can do about it. my daughter came in with probably a 3.5 gpa from dual credit classes.</p>

<p>i say no big deal.</p>



<p>I concur. Can’t control the uncontrollable.</p>

<p>Just get to Tuscaloosa and kick you-know-what, tommy.</p>

<p>Proceed as Malanai says, just get to Bama and do your best and Good Luck!!</p>

<p>Nobody’s gonna count your DE GPA anyway. It’s gonna be counted the same as transfer courses. They want to know what you did IN college, not before.</p>

<p>That’s good to know. I slacked off a bit in hs, especially early on, and I really want to do well at Bama and I don’t want these stupid DE classes to drag my GPA down.</p>



<p>I’m with feeno on this. Just drop the hammer from Day 1 at 'Bama and you’ll be fine, tommy.</p>

<p>Need the hammer!</p>

<p>Yellow hammer?.. yes, please.</p>

<p>Dual enrollment credits and grades do count for medical school applications but if you tried hard and received the best grade possible and it is not what you wanted, then it is what it is.</p>

<p>You can take a higher level class and ace it, then the adcoms will see the upwards trend.</p>

<p>It will also be noted that it is a class you took in High School not college.</p>

<p>Do not get distracted by all the “fun” activities. Have fun, just make sure to schedule in time for study and tests. Leave a little wiggle room in your schedule for unexpected things that come up. Don’t overload, and at the first sign of difficulty seek help.</p>

<p>Study, eat, sleep and you will be fine!</p>