<p>Just what were your expectations before your daughter left for freshman year? Did you tell her you expected top 1% performance and a 4.0 GPA?</p>
<p>Fact: 90% of Duke students were in the top 10% of their high school class. Your daughter traveled across the country to a new environment and now finds herself just an “average” in a big pond.</p>
<p>Your daughter’s Math SAT was in the 25th%-tile for Duke, expecting her to perform at even an average level, (C - 2.0), when 75% of her classmates outperformed her on the SAT and were also high level performers in high school is foolhardy at best and delusional at worst.</p>
<p>Fact: Your D’s GPA is 2.98. If she took ten total classes freshman year and got 1 “D”, her GPA without Math would have been around 3.2 if she got 2 semesters of “Ds” in math it would be closer to 3.45. Exactly what are you complaining about?</p>
<p>Your H thinks a Duke education isn’t worth it if it isn’t in the sciences. </p>
<p>Fact: That’s his problem not your daughter’s - unless he decides to hold her tuition ransom.</p>
<p>Your daughter went to Duke wanting Animal Sciences but now is unsure and thinking about changing.</p>
<p>Fact: Most, if not all students change their majors multiple times after getting to school.</p>
<p>It seems to me that there was no discussion of expectations prior to your D leaving for freshman year, yet now you’re disappointed. You aren’t allowed the luxury of being disappointed if you haven’t bothered to clearly relay to your D what the targets were. </p>
<p>As far as the cost. You’ve made it clear to me that you and H can afford to pay for her school, but you just don’t want to. You don’t want to give up your private practice just to fund your daughter’s education. You don’t want to give up the lease on your $50,000 car (what? about $800/month), because you like it and it’s one of Hubbies hobbies. And H doesn’t want to pay because it not being spent on the “right” major. </p>
<p>So what do you do? Two weeks before she returns to school you write a manipulative letter, telling her how disappointed you are with her nearly 3.00 GPA from one of the top 20 universities in America and how Daddy and Mommy aren’t going to support this type of slacking. Oh, and by the way, we don’t have the money, you’ve got 2 months to get your app in at and easier school like UC-Davis. Have a nice life.</p>
<p>Did you study passive-aggressive behavior in med school or do you feel you know enough about it from your own actions?</p>
<p>Grow up. Your daughter probably doesn’t want to be or should be a mathematician, doctor or nuclear physicist. If you can’t deal with it, too bad, it’s her life. If you don’t want to pay for it, fine, too bad for your daughter. Just don’t expect her to come breezing in at Thanksgiving telling you how happy she is with your having pulled the rug out from under her.</p>
<p>College is hard. Most of us here at CC would love to have a child at Duke with nearly a 3.0. Most us us would love to have the wherewithal to decide if we wanted to pay out of pocket for a private college education. If I were you I’d count my blessings and see the glass as have full. Good luck.</p>
<p>So endeth the rant.</p>