A&M QB Controversy



<p>I wonder if he spent the entire summer on a victory lap because he knew he might get caught. He is a privileged brat who will probably be fine without football. He didn’t consider his teammates nor the institution that gave him the opportunity to win a premature Heisman.</p>

<p>Seems like he’s been in a self-destruct mode for a while. He’s a mess but I have a kiddo that can be his own worst enemy so I might have a tiny soft spot for him. But not for the fans who think they should have been in the championship instead of Bama.</p>

<p>Being in Texas surrounded by A&M people, trust me, they whine and gloat. I have a small “A” magnet on my fridge (as well as my very old burnt orange longhorn small magnet). When we hosted the HOA Progressive Dinner dessert at our house I had several A&M fans take turns going over and throwing it off and flipping the horns upside down. I was told more than once, “we beat y’all so we are the national champions”. I just smiled politely and would discreetly turn my “Horns Up” and put my “A” back on the fridge. They can be very annoying!</p>

<p>Respond with something like this: “Does your momma know that you forget your manners when you’re in someone’s home?”</p>

<p>Alright, love my son’s chosen school, Bama, but must stick up for my & my father’s alma mater, UT. Yes, it would have been a much more interesting championship game had McCoy not gotten knocked out at the very beginning of the game…but injuries are part of the game. Alabama beat UT fair and square, and I haven’t heard a single t-sip say otherwise! Now if you want to talk about whinning, we can go back to talking about ATM and their massive inferiority complex. They talk a big talk about aggie honor, but when they made this spoiled young man their QB the day after Sumlin and the Manziel family attorney sucessfully got his suspension lifted…well, that’s all we need to know about aggie honor. Now a year down the road, rumor has it Mack passed on Manziel because he was so much trouble in high school…Mack’s looking pretty smart about right now. If Johnny Hangover really did this, hold him accountable. If he didn’t, I look forward to seeing him face Bama on Sept. 14th!!</p>

<p>^^^^ :)</p>

<p>I’ve been a UT fan since before I was born. Have always loved UT. Always will. When UT and UA played each other we hosted a party. DH and D1 were/are big UA supporters. I ordered the required Bama papergoods for them to revel in. Had my burnt orange. Even had 1 dog in a UT jersey and the other in the crimson. Know McCoy and UT were already getting beat before he was injured. Every now and then I’ll say something about “well you hurt our QB” but do it with a sense of humor. However, I know full well that even if McCoy had not gotten hurt there was no way that UT was going to be able to come back and win that game unless UA walked off the field. PERIOD! </p>

<p>Much different than A&M now. Many of them believe and will be flat out adamant that they are the National Champions since they beat UA during the season. Never mind their own coach did not even vote for them to be #1 or #2 in the standings. They were #9 in the end. They just get ugly. As soon as getting into the SEC they put up billboards in Austin saying, “This is SEC Country”. Seriously?!?!?! In Louisana they have the same. Sorry, but that may be SEC Country but it is NOT A&M territory. That belongs to LSU. A&M think they are major rivals with Bama. I crack up whenever I’m in Alabama and most dismiss them and do not consider them rivals at all. No, Bama does not take them lightly but they are not UA’s big rivalry. </p>

<p>Yes, Mack must be feeling pretty good right about now. Knowing he went by his instinct and is avoiding the unwanted limelight. BTW, he really does have the longhorn tattoo. A friends son has seen it firsthand. </p>

<p>I can only wait for the fallout around here if he does get the axe.</p>

<p>Still think his teammates should take him out behind the woodshed no matter what. Someone needs to.</p>

<p>Very interesting about the tattoo! We were recently in Hawaii at a luau, got to talking with a very nice family from Sugarland, Tx. Turns out their son plays for ATM, is a close friend of JM. I asked him how they felt about the big target JM’s mouth has painted the back of his teammates…they just shook their heads. Even the aggies have had it with this young man.</p>

<p>When I attended the Bama/A&M game this fall I had the pleasure of sitting by the sweet wife of an ex Bear Bryant player. She noticed that my family was all decked out in their A&M gear and kept exclaiming, “theh’s a laht of history between these schools.” As the junctions boys were announced, she and an elderly Junction boy wife embraced with tears in their eyes. I loved the mutual respect shown for each others team!</p>

<p>My Aggie husband LOVES Bama, unless they are playing A&M. I would expect no less even though I give him grief about it. He has mentioned over and over how much A&M and Bama remind him of each other and is thrilled that his D chose a place with as much respect and pride as his beloved Aggieland. So this family says Roll Tide and Gig 'Em! (But I can’t stomach that Manzel kid).</p>

<p>Manzeil has now been suspended for the first half of their season opener against Rice. </p>

<p>Can’t wait to hear the aggies start crying and whining.</p>