Some Gnawing Questions for M2CK

<p>Who will be Alabama’s starting QB in the Penn State game?</p>

<p>Will the start of classes be delayed when Alabama plays in the National Championship game?</p>

<p>Will Trent Richardson win the Heisman?</p>

<p>Will Rushel Shell commit to UA?</p>

<p>When is the next B-D stadium expansion?</p>

<p>She knows everything else Alabama, surely she must know these things that keep me up at night. :-)</p>

<p>Who will be Alabama’s starting QB in the Penn State game?</p>

<p>A J McCarron</p>

<p>Will the start of classes be delayed when Alabama plays in the National Championship game?</p>

<p>I don’t think it will be necessary because I think Bama has already tweaked the schedule to accommodate.</p>

<p>Spring classes start: Jan 11</p>

<p>BCS game… Jan 9th New Orleans.</p>

<p>Will Trent Richardson win the Heisman?</p>

<p>yes - if no injuries</p>

<p>Will Rushel Shell commit to UA?</p>

<p>If he’s smart. ;)</p>

<p>He’s looking at about 15 schools…hope he chooses Bama…and he’s cute, too!</p>

<p>When is the next B-D stadium expansion?</p>

<p>Supposedly with this last expansion, there was talk of adding a few more seats, but no date was given. I couldn’t tell if they mean “filling in” those gaps between the sections or what.</p>


<p>Today’s megamillions numbers?</p>

<p>Wow. She is GOOD and spot on!!</p>

<p>AJ better get off the beach and out of the tattoo parlor if he wants to beat out Philip Sims. Should be an interesting battle in the next few weeks.</p>

<p>I do worry about NJ getting lil bro back to classes for Jan 11. We are talking NEW ORLEANS.</p>

<p>We already have a sublet on a row house in the French Quarter…party our place…starting January 7 thru the 10th!!! Y’all are invited! NJ…sorority girls will abound :)!!! Bring lil Bro if he needs a date to the game. After missing the last National Championship I promised our DD that she could go and so we are all over this one…Roll Tide!</p>

<p>ahpimommy: I like your style!!!</p>

<p>Thanks mommy, we’ll be there. I have my game ticket reserved and my hotel room booked (Drury Inn).</p>

<p>MABama, I know you’re joking but that is something that I’ve thought about. What I’ve come up with is having lil bro drive his car back to Tuscaloosa after Christmas break and then taking Amtrak from there to New Orleans and back. It only takes slightly longer than driving and he won’t have to worry about parking which can be expensive in New Orleans. It’s under $100 roundtrip for the train. Plus the amtrak station is less than a half mile walk from our hotel.</p>

<p>So I’ll still be celebrating in the Quarter while lil bro is sitting on a train back to Tuscaloosa for the start of classes :-)</p>

<p>How safe are students who wear Auburn shirts during classes/games?</p>

<p>WTH??? You a cow college fan or just wanting to know for the hell of it?</p>

<p>As sad as it is to say there are auburn fans that attend UA and vice versa. One might get a few looks or a snide comment thrown their way but they’d be safe from bodily harm. </p>

<p>Come within 50 feet of me though and I’ll drop you like a rock. :slight_smile: j/k</p>

<p>So its settled: Bama plays in the BCS National Championship game, Party at ahpimommy’s row house in the French Quarter, and NJBama gives up his game ticket so lil bro can take one of the sorority girls to the game. Priceless.</p>

<p>Lol. Fortunately for that sorority girl I now own 7 ticket reservations. And unfortunately for my lil bro I might decide I want a date for the game. :-)</p>

<p>*How safe are students who wear Auburn shirts during classes/games? *</p>

<p>LOL…you won’t be hurt, but it’s not advised to wear any rival shirt at a rival school…and this goes for ANY school with a rival.</p>

<p>One of my good friends is a proud auburn fan. Not his best quality, but… Anyhoo, he wears his auburn apparel with some frequency and hasn’t gotten hurt yet haha. But you might get jeered at a wee bit, if its game day. Best advice: Become a Bama fan!! You’ll be happier often!</p>

<p>Lol I’m not an Auburn fan (or a college sports fan in general) but at my high school, those who wear opposing high school apparel are often jeered at and not allowed into the auditorium unless they change.</p>

<p>While I don’t particularly recommend wearing the apparel of other SEC teams (with the possible exception of Vanderbilt), you should be fine. As for non-SEC colleges/universities, you will be fine. There was a large contingent of people wearing Oregon apparel last year and many people, myself included, will wear apparel from other schools we’ve visited or attended.</p>