A&M QB Controversy

<p>I really hope all this mess around the QB goes away soon…I don’t want to hear all my Texas friends whining about the only reason Bama beat them was because of the distractions being caused by the controversy…I want everyone on the field…no excuses.</p>

<p>Even my Aggie friends just cringe. But I agree, let’s beat them with everyone on the field. On their field!</p>

<p>I agree. I want an even playing field no matter what.</p>

<p>However, I can only imagine the giant distraction that he is for his fellow teammates. Then putting his coaches in a position to constantly have to wonder what is next they may have to “defend”. It is sad all the way around. </p>

<p>What is sad is this talented kid is potentially throwing away a career he dreamed of with his actions. If he does not straighten up no one in the NFL is going to want to touch him. </p>

<p>Yes, beat the heck out of them on their field! </p>

<p>Roll Tide</p>

<p>Man I wish we could get tickets to that game…We are going to College Station…probably watch it in town somewhere…too close to miss.</p>

<p>D has friends from high school going there. They were going to get her a student ticket and pick her up in Houston at the airport. It was over $600 to fly rt., No Way!
Also don’t expect her friends to be able to get a ticket for her to that one. </p>

<p>My BIL is an alum there with season tickets. He won’t give up any tickets to any game, ever.
Know others with season tickets. Not even going to ask.</p>

<p>He’s lawyered up with Cam Newton’s team. He’ll play against us.</p>

<p>Can’t wait to watch this game. Counting the days.</p>

<p>Stupid NCAA rule to begin with. Bottom line, if they find the cash they’ll suspend him. If there’s no cash, there’s no suspension.</p>

<p>I definitely want him on the field…I don’t want a repeat of the whining I had to listen back when Bama beat Texas in 2010…“if Colt Mccoy hadn’t gotten hurt”…blah blah blah</p>

<p>I’m praying to the gods that Johnny can play. The NCAA can’t rob us of a Johnny-Bama epic.</p>

<p>ruh-roh </p>

<p>[ESPN:</a> Broker says he paid Manziel $7,500 to sign autographs | wfaa.com Dallas - Fort Worth](<a href=“http://www.wfaa.com/sports/college/ESPN-Broker-says-he-paid-Manziel-7500-to-sign-autographs--218561731.html]ESPN:”>http://www.wfaa.com/sports/college/ESPN-Broker-says-he-paid-Manziel-7500-to-sign-autographs--218561731.html)</p>

<p>What stinks is that most of the A&M fans think we were hoping for this…</p>

<p>I know. UGH!</p>

<p>No, I wish that they would have made him stick to his suspension last year. As well as not have given a freshman the Heisman.</p>

<p>I realize the guy needs to learn a lesson and be held accountable for his actions.</p>

<p>Who cares what the TAMU fans think. Let em think what they want. No matter what, they’re going to have some excuse. If he had played and they lost, they would have claimed something else. </p>

<p>They’re sore winners…let em wallow.</p>

<p>*Manziel is heard on the video telling the broker he won’t do business with him again if he tells anyone, according *</p>

<p>what an idiot!</p>

<p>This season isn’t the only issue. If he loses his “amateur status”, I don’t think he can ever play NCAA… he may have to head to Canada.</p>

<p>Why would A&M fans think Alabama would hope for this? That’s crazy.</p>

<p>I don’t think A&M is any more of a sore winner (or sore loser) than other teams like Alabama or LSU.</p>

<p>TAMU has acted like a sore winner by implying that they’re really the nat’l champions because they beat Bama. UT has been whining about the Colt injury since 09, while TOTALLY ignoring the fact that Greg played the ENTIRE game with broken ribs.</p>

<p>Everything’s big in Texas…except they need some big boy pants.</p>

<p>Being in Texas surrounded by A&M people, trust me, they whine and gloat. I have a small “A” magnet on my fridge (as well as my very old burnt orange longhorn small magnet). When we hosted the HOA Progressive Dinner dessert at our house I had several A&M fans take turns going over and throwing it off and flipping the horns upside down. I was told more than once, “we beat y’all so we are the national champions”. I just smiled politely and would discreetly turn my “Horns Up” and put my “A” back on the fridge. They can be very annoying!</p>

<p>Had one A&M person at church upon asking my D where she was going to go responded with, “well, good luck but A&M is much better”. REALLY?!?!?!? </p>

<p>It is just a sour attitude that permeats from them no matter if they win or lose.</p>

<p>You need to get a big ole’ car magnet with the Alabama fish eating the tamu fish.</p>

I had a good magnet that said something along the lines of “On the Way to Another Championship” a few years ago. DH had it on the car when they went to see Bama in the Cotton Bowl against Texas Tech. Someone stole it :frowning: </p>

<p>Here is the really sad thing, if he is found guilty of doing this then the entire organization is punished. The kids going there will be the losers that should take him out behind the woodshed and let him have it.</p>

<p>You better believe every single one of our cars has an Alabama sticker of some kind and an Alabama license plate holder. Mine has the “A” and “Roll Tide” :)</p>