A Question Regarding Blinn Team!

I’ll be going to the Engineering Academy at Blinn-Bryan but I was really interested in learning and taking Japanese 101 my freshman year at A&M. Is this possible if i’m on Blinn Team? Or would I need to wait until i’m a full fledged A&M student in order to take the course?

Any help is appreciated!

Are you Blinn TEAM or Engineering Academy at Blinn-Bryan? It’s one or the other, I’m pretty certain.

One thing I found interesting is that TAMU appears to be treating the TEAM and EAB students as the same in terms of reporting outcomes. Note page 2 of this document @52AG82 - They are considered the same admission category.


@Guiseppee : Congratulations on receiving Engineering at Blinn-Bryan.

Please check with the advisors who are specific for your admission offer. That is the only way to receive current correct info. This forum is made up of parents and students, not actual TAMU officials.

If you are TEAB for Engineering, there are specific classes that you must take on the TAMU campus that may be only Engineering or Math. Also check to see if Japanese is offered at Blinn, perhaps you could take it as one of your Blinn Rellis classes IF if fits as an elective in the list of courses you must complete.

I have no actual knowledge on the Engineering pathway. My daughter is currently a Sophomore on Blinn-TEAM and plans to major in English. There isn’t a distinct plan for English so she has had to figure out what classes will work for her and has had to discuss options with the TEAM advisors.

Good luck! Come back often to CC and update us on your progress and your experience. :slight_smile:

@bluebayouAZ that is because they ARE considered the same. They are Texas A&M students, they can live on campus, they buy A&M meal plans, they can get a full sports pass, a parking pass for on campus parking, an A&M student ID. They can rush all Greek fraternities and sororities, join A&M clubs as well as service organizations, join the Corps, use the rec center, play intramural sports and on and on and on.

Think of it as a lack of space issue. The main campus simply doesn’t have room for all the qualified students so the Blinn Team students take 2 or 3 classes at Rellis and 1 or 2 on the main campus until there is room for them to transition to all of their classes on the main campus. It’s a fantastic program and one that those offered should seriously consider.

My son is a Freshman Blinn Teamer now who lives on campus and is doing awesome. He has no complaints and feels blessed to have been given this opportunity.

@ATXAggie BlueBayouAZ was meaning that from a numbers reporting standpoint, A&M is not differentiating between how many students were offered/enrolled in each category and puts them together in reporting purposes. The engineering academies and Blinn Team are different programs and different admissions decisions. Just from a numbers standpoint, it would have been nice to see how many offers of admissions/enrolled were in each. She was not implying that these admissions offers were not considered Aggie’s or in any way less of an admissions offer

@BlueBayouAZ I noticed that the other day, but got distracted by other things that I forgot to mention it to you. Will possibly have to wait until the Counselors Corner webpage updates with new info if they break down how the actual admissions decisions handed out but it still won’t tell us which ones were enrolled until the Dars comes out.

@Thelma2 got it. If it helps any, when we were at my son’s NSC last May they told us there were like 550 Blinn Team students. I believe that was for both TEAM programs but I could be wrong.

Thanks for that @ATXAggie! I found an article out of Amarillo I think it was, that was talking about how many either Blinn Team/Academy students were enrolled at Rellis and for the life of me, can’t put my fingers on it again.

My daughter was offered Blinn Team 2 weeks ago, and we are trying to purchase her parking pass and sports pass… she is unable to do either thru Howdy. Sport pass goes to 12th man link that appears to be for season ticket holder renewals, and parking says she doesn’t have an account. Any suggestions??

@slbtwb I don’t think sports pass or parking pass are available for purchase yet.

@slbtwb Parking and sports passes don’t come out for a while… as in May - July… You’ve got some time.


Check this out and put on the calendar… it’ll be here before you know it!