AA student will need extra help

<p>My D will be attending AA and recently broke her ankle. So if you are attending AA and see a tall girl with long, wavy hair on crutches, help her out please. I’m thinking at meal time she won’t be able to carry her tray and use crutches at the same time. Also, if anyone knows of a good orthopedic Dr. in Tuscaloosa, close to campus (she can’t drive) she’ll need some follow up appointments.</p>

<p>what dorm is she in NOVA?</p>

<p>Nova, I can totally relate. Last year my oldest daughter went to marching band camp at her university (not Bama) with a broken foot and on crutches. I was so worried about her and how she’d manage. I also worried because when we got to her dorm room her roommate’s dad had already lofted their beds and I was worried my D might rebreak her foot when getting out of bed. She only had a removable air cast, and didn’t wear it in bed. D did not want to undo her roommate’s room arranging. I will definitely tell my younger daughter who is attending Bama, and AA, to keep an eye out for your D and to be helpful. Feel free to pm me if you want to exchange names or anything.</p>

<p>I’d ask my son but right now he’s going against whatever I say and I’m afraid that would backfire. He’s the kind of kid that will help without being asked so I’ll leave well enough alone and know he’ll jump in there if needed (unless his girl shyness gets the best of him).</p>

<p>I think this is a great opportunity for your D. Have her pick a different helper for every day and she can come out of this with more than a handful of new friends.</p>

<p>My daughter and her three suitemates are all AA. I will mention to them to keep an eye out for her. They are in Lakeside West.</p>

<p>My DD and her suitemate as well as a classmate from home are all in Alabama Action. They will be more than willing to help out! DD and suitemate are in Riverside West and classmate from home is in Riverside East. I think the roommate will also have her car on campus. I will tell the girls and gentleman to be on the look out for her. Feel free to pm.</p>

<p>Nova372: Have you notified the administrators of AA, they may be able to arrange a volunteer helper for your daughter from the group, pairing her up with someone who can assist her. I would also contact the Student Health Center and make them aware of her situation in case she needs some medications or medical help. Also check with the Honors College, they might have some suggestions for doctors but note that if daughter is over 18, medical personnel will not share medical info with you unless she signs a waiver. Also make sure that your daughter has all her medical and prescription cards and medical insurance information. Check with your health care provider to make sure she is covered in the state of Alabama. Have her doctor prescribe pain meds and fill them before she leaves home. Even though she probably won’t need this advise, don’t forget to remind her not to drink or drive or use machinery if she is on medication.</p>

<p>Nova372 - does your D have a bright blue cast? I think I saw her in RSC-N Friday night. She was moving fast on those crutches - and she is absolutely adorable!</p>