<p>I recently submitted my common application to the school I'm applying for Early.</p>
<p>I later found out that a number of my friends wrote many details about the activities they did.</p>
<p>However, for me, I just put down really short details about some of the clubs I was in.</p>
<p>For example, Science Club - Biology Division</p>
<p>Will lack of details hurt my chances? </p>
<p>someone reply pls :(</p>
<p>Well if you didn’t say any of the awards or accomplishments you gained through these activities, I’m pretty sure this section could’ve been a lot more affective for you.</p>
<p>@premedbound15, well for other activities (most), I wrote down awards, positions (president), and what i did. it’s just the science club and one other club that is making me worried ;(</p>
<p>Well as long as those are your more minor involvements, which I’m guessing they are, I don’t think it will deteremine an admit vs a reject. What I think your mistake will do, however, is make it look like these two activities are just to fill up a resume.</p>
<p>@premedbound15 thanks
i guess my chance is even lower now :(</p>