About Scholarships from UM

<p>Do they mail them, too? Or just post online?</p>

<p>I was accepted to UM about a week ago, but it turns out that I did not complete my application! I’m missing a bank/sponsor letter and a copy of the first page of my passport (I’m an international). Does this make me illegible for scholarships? What should I do with the bank/sponsor letter…? I can’t afford UM without significant help…This is nerve-wrecking :(</p>

<p>Does anyone know if all scholarships have been posted on line? I.e if there’s no scholarship listed on our canelink portals under communications, does that mean we aren’t going to be offered merit aid?</p>

<p>They mail them too</p>

<p>@Petunia98 I would remain hopeful as the university has not completed the FA packages. Hang in there! My FA link changed today hopefully they are working on them now!</p>

<p>Sons FA pkg got posted today. Surprisingly they add 13k to the original Merit. Now he is almost at Full Tuition .
We still not see Singer Invitation. That can give him a chance for Full Tuition .
I also don’t see anything about Parents PLUS Loans on the FA pkg, normally they include that with FA pkg. </p>

<p>@survivorfan I’ve seen you on several of the same boards. Maybe you and my son will end up at the same place. Anyway my son got 24 and we are waiting to hear the results from the second Singer weekend (the one that was 3/21-3/22) Has anyone heard anything who was there? I know they said 10 days I wish it would come sooner.</p>

<p>Got 30K President’s + 13k UM Coral Grant + 3100 Florida Academic Scholars + 2500 Florida Resident Access Grant. Honestly, I’m quite surprised given my string of rejections/waitlists this week from my reach schools haha. </p>

<p>@Decimation- Congrats! You are recovering from your string of rejections in a big way! :slight_smile: UM is a great school.</p>

I’m an international student and I got accepted to UM on March 14th. I only saw my decision on Cane Link - Student Center, and recieved a mail afterwards.
I recieved a communications message on Cane Link on March 25th saying I got 13k President’s Scholarship. NO mail or e-mail so far.
Do you know when Financial Aid (CSS Profile) will be out?</p>

<p>Did you click FA link on the bottom left of the student Center on Cane Link, that holds your FA pkg Details.
If still grey out then just wait for few days they must be uploading it to the site…</p>

<p>@dadfor2014 it is grey and says “inquiry access denied.”
this doesn’t mean I haven’t got any financial aid right?</p>

<p>It means they haven’t posted your FA details yet, Just keep checking twice a Day and you will see it will go Live.
you can also Call FA office to make sure nothing is missing in your file, that can hold the Pkg too. </p>

<p>@njl1022‌ Did you ever hear back from Miami for the Singer Scholarship? I also interviewed around that time but have not heard anything.</p>

<p>@student4675 my son did not get the Singer scholarship.</p>