Academic Scholarships


<p>That is what they told me too and I don’t believe a word of it. I think they have ONLY offered Dean’s at this point and not Chancellor’s. I may be completely wrong, but my intel tells me Chancellor’s comes in Jan-Mar. Let’s keep our fingers crossed! Same thing happening over on the SMU board.</p>

<p>Son got Dean’s scholarship in the mail today!</p>

<p>My daughter is a junior and interested in TCU. Can someone tell me about how much a deans scholarship is and does that amount stay the same all 4 years?</p>

<p>the deans this year is worth 14000 a yr so for all 4 years 56000 but the exact value of the scholarship fluctuates from year to year always being around half tuition</p>

<p>Received the faculty scholarship(about 42,000 for 4 years)! This is less then the dean’s scholarship but I was still thrilled! TCU is my number one school! Can’t wait for the rose bowl! </p>

<p>GPA: 3.75/4.3
ACT: 28
Major: Communications, Broadcast Journalism
National Honors Society, Science National Honors Society, 600+ hours of Community Service</p>

<p>Just got the Chancellor. It was Fedexed.</p>

<p>emd - What kind of stats did you have to get the Chancellor’s?</p>

<p>34 on ACT
valedictorian 1/148
4.00 unweighted
5 leadership positions in school, golf team
50+ service hours every year</p>

<p>Wow, congrats emd! thats really impressive
do you plan on going to tcu for sure?</p>

<p>Congrats emd821. You are very deserving with those stats.</p>

<p>D recv’d Dean’s Scholarship in mail yesterday. </p>

<p>Interesting how Baylor, TCU and Trinity all offered about the same amount to her, as if she’s at a tier level or category that is viewed similarly by all. SMU did not offer her a scholarship yet. Not sure if they will or not. Is SMU tougher or do they perhaps have different evaluation criteria?</p>

<p>I know there was some conversation here earlier about various scholarships. I just spoke with Admissions. I was told that a student only receives 1 scholarship from Admissions. So, if you received the Dean’s Scholarship, that is the only one you will receive and you are not “potentially” in line for a larger sum such as the Chancellor Scholarship.</p>

<p>Silverado - SMU sent scholarship offers in their acceptance packet. I’m not sure if they send them under separate cover or not. SMU’s scholarship was slightly less than my son’s TCU scholarship BUT SMU’s individual colleges also send scholarships so that raised it over TCU’s.</p>

<p>My d has been accepted to TCU around Thanksgiving and I know that the top student Deans and Chancellor’s scholarships have been sent out to most of the recipients, but has anyone received a “TCU scholarship”. They are for about $7000-8000. My d has visited twice and is trying to decide whether to accept, but would like to know about merit scholarship. Will proably not qualify for FA so merit is only source of extra funds. She received a 50% scholarship at her other top choice so wanted to make sure before she finalizes her decisions. Thanks.</p>



<p>Yeah, we’ve still never heard anything other than acceptance from SMU. But Daughter is feeling the love from TCU, now with Honors College invite letter. We’re going to visit the 10th and 11th next month and check it out.</p>

<p>Still hoping for UT, but she’s not a top 8%er, so the odds are long.</p>

why do you think most of the chancellors and dean scholarships have been sent out? did you call the admissions office and ask?</p>

<p>ilparent- my daughter did receive the TCU scholarship, for $7500 per year. SMU offered her their Provost scholarship plus Hilltop Scholars. Not sure why she fared so much better with SMU. </p>

<p>Much different experience than silverado.</p>

<p>Thanks for the update on the TCU scholarship. You are the only posting I had seen for the “TCU Scholarship” and so I thought maybe those scholarships had not been given out yet.</p>

<p>My wife and d were just down there last week talking with admissions and they got the strong impression that all scholarship notices had been sent out already. We were kind of surprised because they stated on the website that they would not notify the students until March. I realize that they often notify people early, but two months before the deadline seemed too soon. </p>

<p>I have some additional questions into admissions, but it does not look promising.</p>


<p>We, too, will be learning things in this process but I’ve been told for my son (auditioning for a vocal scholarship) we’d be learning our financial aid package (if any) in March as well. I believe a person nicknamed “SimpleLife” has made a post on this “March awards” subject either in this thread or elsewhere on this TCU board.</p>

<p>In our case, it will determine our course of action as well.</p>