Merit Scholarships?

<p>How early do students learn of merit-based scholarship offers from TCU? Has anyone ever heard back before March? thanks</p>

<p>My son heard back in December, when he applied early action.</p>

<p>hi there MaterMia, thanks for the input. If you don’t mind me asking (because i applied EA as well) could you possibly give me his basic numbers and what that earned him scholarship-wise when he heard back in December? Thanks a lot!</p>

<p>Hi MaterMia, Do you mean your son received his acceptance and financial offer in December? </p>

<p>Has anyone received an acceptance or rejection from TCU yet?</p>

<p>Yes. My daughter was accepted for Fall 2011. She received her packet in the mail on November 26. Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Congratulations! Very exciting! What other schools is she considering?</p>