Acceptances are coming

<p>Geeeez, still nothing in Maryland. Maybe tomorrow?</p>

<p>My son made an 1190 on the SAT and a weighted 3.7 GPA. We are in state.</p>

<p>He FINALLY received his letter today - accepted into the Bridge program, which we are happy with. He lacked a third year of foreign language which probably was a main reason he did not get full acceptance.</p>

<p>I know the acceptances come in a big orange envelope, but what about those that were waitlisted or admitted to the Bridge program? My daughter is away but received a small envelope today, so I know it’s not an acceptance. Just hoping it’s not a flat out denial as this was her top pick. Can anyone waitlisted or admitted to Bridge please comment?</p>

<p>No letter in SoCal today. BTW, are acceptance letters the proverbial thick ones?</p>

<p>Oops, envelope answer above. Didn’t see it at first whole composing on phone.</p>

<p>My daughter was “bridged”. Her letter was in a white envelope. It also had a brochure about the program in it so it wasn’t a super thin envelope. It had a little bulk.</p>

<p>Yep acceptance letters are in an orange envelope that says “You Are Tigertown Bound” on the front</p>

<p>Got a very thin envelope
Waitlisted- OOS
SAT: 1310/1600 1940/2400
GPA: 3.66
EC’s: yearbook editor, 4 year varsity athlete, key club, cumc, habitat, etc (don’t feel like writing it all out)
Race: African American & Native American</p>

<p>Nothing in Massachusetts (Boston area).</p>

<p>Got the big orange envelope today in PA and</p>

SAT 1890
Ranked in the top 5 percent of my class
GPA- 3.8</p>

<p>Accepted! Ah I’m so excited! 1300, 1910 SATs, psychology major. Good luck to everyone else and those who were waitlisted hang in there!</p>

<p>Does Clemson only look at your CR + M score?</p>

<p>Garbby234 yeah they don’t look at the writing portion of the SAT only cr+m. They don’t even show stats of the avg 2400 scale sat score of admitted students just the 1600 scale.</p>

<p>Then can someone explain to me what this means?
Taken from the website:
“Writing score required on SAT/ACT. SAT Writing will now be matched with ACT Composite (without Writing.)”</p>

<p>I would be shocked if Clemson didn’t look at the writing score of the SAT - that being said yes they only give out official stats for CR + M</p>

<p>Alot of schools dont look at the writing section when it comes to test scores. But it could be a substitution for not writing an essay, for example at Baylor you don’t write an essay if you sat for the writing section of the sat, however of you didn’t you’re requires to write an essay. So they may look at it in a respect similar to that.</p>

<p><em>however if you didn’t, you’re required</em> sorry typing on a phone</p>

<p>Wow, second mail delivery today brought the happy big orange TtB envelope for D.</p>

Food Science major
1800 sat 27 act
3.9 weighted
Top 10%</p>

<p>I was accepted to Clemson today!!! WOOOT! </p>

<p>3.8 GPA
1430 SAT (retook it on Saturday so that will prob go up)
33/278 class rank
4 years of varsity basketball
4 years of marching band/concert band
Individual Band accolades
Volunteer work +70 hours
(Hooks…I guess)
African American
Female Student
Major-Animal Science and Veterinary Science BS</p>

<p>Tigertown Bound big orange envelope finally arrived at 4:30 today! DD was accepted into the Pre-biusiness program at Clemson (OOS). What a relief. Congratulations to all and still cheering for all those still waiting.</p>