
<p>What would be really nice is if they inform people on friday as well as today! Wishful thinking anyways lol</p>

<p>For any accepted students, when did you receive an email?</p>

<p>I do not know why decisions are coming out tonight, instead of Friday.</p>

<p>9:54pm to be exact. </p>

3.9 GPA
34 ACT
its great to have a safety as good as Madison should i need it!
Go badgers!</p>

<p>Man, do I wish I was in your guys’ position… I want to go to Madison so bad, not getting accepted yet is killing me… :(</p>

<p>So excited to be accepted to my dream school!
UW GPA: 3.62
W GPA: 3.84
SAT: 2120
Lots of extracurricular’s and leadership activities, awesome recs, great essays. Good luck to everybody, I definitely know how much it sucked waiting while other people got their decisions. Your time will come soon :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Accepted! OOS (Maryland)
UW 3.41
W 4.06
ACT 31
6 APs 3 IBs numerous honors
Varsity cheerleading (4 years)
Other clubs </p>

<p>@MDtoWisco when did you apply? When did you get your email?</p>

<p>@jcpenny96 I emailed the admissions office as to why decisions came out last night and not on a Friday. This is the response I received. “There is no special reason as to why decisions went out last night instead of any other day. Applicants that have yet to hear back have no cause for concern, as the only thing we guarantee is that first notification applicants will hear back no later than the end of January.” So the fact that they came out is no cause for concern.</p>

<p>Hereford and brewman, you both have no need to worry. Your stats are far within the solid range for UW and you will be accepted as long as there isn’t something strange about your apps. Like an obnoxious essay or something. I know that it is hard to wait, particularly when you see people accepted with lower stats than you.Try to believe that they are working through the pile methodically and will get to you soon.</p>

<p>Thank you @celesteroberts I know I am well within the range, it is just so nerve-racking…</p>

<p>Yes thank you @‌celesteroberts I’m hoping you’re right. Patience is a virtue I suppose.</p>

<p>I got in on December 1 and so did others</p>

Are these all first fall admission decisions ?

Is it true that there were some decision notifications earlier today?

Accepted about 5 minutes ago!!! MN applicant that applied 10/30!!! :slight_smile:

Got accepted as well! Received the email at 8:30. International applicant

@jcpenny96‌, you got email, too?

ACCEPTED. GPA: 3.91 UW; 4.1 W. All IB classes. School does not officially rank, but top 5%. SAT: 1870 ACT: 27 Extras: Leadership, varsity soccer, debate, and other ECs. CA public school.