
Congrat’s everyone!

about 40 minutes ago.
2150 sat (1440 CR+M)
uw gpa: 3.7
american living abroad :slight_smile:

still haven’t gotten in. Getting super annoyed

ACCEPTED! Around 10pm I got the email to check My UW.
Stats: 2090 SAT, 4.4W GPA, ECs: student council all years, 3 year varsity, club founder, strong volunteering, lots of tutoring, and good computer science background (that’s my intended major)
Good luck everyone!!!

Too excited too sleep. Accepted!!! OOS Illinois, got the email around 7:45 pm on Friday. Location far West suburbs. Too anybody who thinks its just about stats, I truly believe when U of W says it is holistic they mean it, and I think it is all about rigor. Essays especially why I decided to apply to U of W, I believe truly demonstrated my desire to attend.
Stats: 30 ACT, 3.47 UW GPA, #1 ever in my HS graduating with course credit (36 hours) 5 AP classes, never took a study hall.

Deferred yesterday from Madison. Honestly crushed. Thought for sure I would get in.
UW 3.69 W 4.0 ACT 30 Writing 8

@hockeyian44 Are you out of state?

I have heard that around 25% of first notification period applicants are postponed.

Congratulations to all admits! :smiley:

@madison85 yes I am from Colorado. I am also a legacy. Thought my stats were sufficient enough for an early decision admit but I guess not.

I am OOS and just noticed “mid-year” grades tab appear on my student-center portal. Does this mean postponed ? Does anyone else here notice it too ? I don’t see any other change in the portal.

@RaguSauce, I see that, too. It’s asking all to self-report mid year and final when they’re made available. I guess all but rejected applicants would see it now. I’m still waiting to hear back. OOO, MN res. Applied end of Oct. 2014.

@RaguSauce @woodbury2010 where do you see this?

@Hereford15, it’s under Admissions section, next to “2015 Fall Application” column. If you click on it, you’ll see the page where you can enter your Fall semester classes and grades. Are you accepted already? If so, you may not be required to do so :slight_smile:

Sorry, you need to go to Student Center first.

I was accepted last friday and also have the tab for self reporting mid year grades.

@woodbury2010 no, I am not yet accepted, but I see it now. Thanks for clarifying.

I went online and saw the saw thing. It says all freshman applicants, but I was admitted this past Friday also. And then when you go to the admission checklist it clearly states turn in your final hs transcript before the end of June. A little confused here.

Another Friday went by but no new post. Did anyone receive email yesterday?

Curious. It seems like last year at this time there was like 30+ pages of people stating if they were accepted, postponed, or not accepted. Maybe this year, this particular class is just not logging on to this site?

You also have to assume that those who are rejected are not quick to post about their failure.