
I haven’t heard of anyone who has received a rejection. Is it possible they’re waiting to send all the rejections at one time at the end of the month (first notification group)?

My niece and several of her classmates received rejections. I think they are happening, but people may be quieter about them on CC.

@ncny215, did your niece and others received rejections last Friday, 01/16/2015? Is she OOS or in state?

Well over half the applicants at my school were rejected. We all found out our admission decisions on friday 01/09/15. I agree with @ncny215 that people who were rejected probably aren’t very keen on posting their disappointment.

Keep in mind, a lot of people on CC are very high achievers. ( Or their parents are) I have to say, I’m sorry to hear that there are rejections, but a little relieved. My DD hasn’t heard still. We are OOS. She applied mid Oct. 32 ACT, 3.87 unweighted GPA. I’ll post either way when she receives a decision.

I would assumed she’s an admit (otherwise it would be a very surprising postpone with those stats). Definitely not a rejection though!

My niece is a student at one of the highest rated high schools in NY. No idea the range of applicants who applied from there, but sounded like very few, if any, got in. They heard in December. My son is also at strong NY high school. He and his classmates all heard on 1/9. Many got in (very high achieving). My son was postponed, which was actually a better result than we expected. We’ll see what happens for him in March.

I think I’ve told this story before, but my daughter applied on 1/17/12 and was accepted on 2/3 with a 3.87 GPA in IB and 23 on her ACT. I like to mention the 23 because I think it speaks to Wisconsin’s holistic process. They were able to see beyond that test score and look at her GPA and rigor.

I still haven’t found out yet! I applied in mid-October and my entire school found out in late November/early December. On the same day they received their decisions I was sent an email from admissions saying that my ACT submission never went through. I cleared that up within a few days, Wisconsin received it, and it’s been two months since then. Does anyone know when I can expect an answer??

Maybe not until March 31 if the ACT score was received after December 3.

My D applied 10/4 and has not received a decision. 30 ACT and 4.0’unweighted. OOS - CA… I will post either way too when she hears back.

Does anyone think they will release any decisions tomorrow? I know they seem to be releasing on Fridays…

Well, they skipped it last Friday, so it’s unlikely that they will skip it again tomorrow :slight_smile:

Okay thanks! Do you by any chance know how they notify (email, status update online, etc)?

@cl3v3land See this post from last year:

I’m out-of-state and should receive an answer in he first notification period. However, I know people who have already been accepted. Is that a bad sign for me?
I applied to civil engineering.

skipped 2 fridays in a row lol

i know. isn’t it strange? wondering if any postpones or rejects last 2 weeks?

Here is a post from last year: 01-14-2014 at 1:40 pm
Perfectly normal to not have received decision yet! Most remaining decisions for first notification period will be sent out jan 17 and jan 24th!

It seems the opposite this year. None on Jan 16th and 23rd, 2015.

34 ACT with a 3.92/4.15 GPA from the chicago suburbs and I still have not heard back, nor have any of my classmates