Accepted after being "denied" by everyone I've talked to

<p>I applied to UW end of October, and have been anxiously checking my status every day since then. After meeting with my counselor, career center guidance counselor, talking to a UW admissions rep and asking "Chance me!!" on here multiple times, I pretty much had all hope of going to UW destroyed. I was going to be excited to get a "postponed" at the most. I found out today I was accepted.</p>

<p>My Stats (for UW) are beyond average:</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8 UW 4.1 W
Tests: (awful omg): SAT: 1740 ACT: 23
1 AP Class and 4 Honors</p>

<p>But my essay, extracurriculars, and resume which everyone on here has said makes no difference was obviously the determining factor.</p>

<p>Don't let anyone tell you you can't accomplish something. No one knows your skills better than you. I honestly believe my ability to advertise and sell myself made up for my poor test scores and average (compared to the UW standards) rigor and grades. Don't lose hope and give it your all!!!</p>

<p>Congratulations on your acceptance!</p>

<p>It is always difficult to evaluate any application without seeing it all, including essays, LOR, transcript, etc. Thus anyone who offered their opinion without being privy to the whole picture was risking misjudgement.</p>

<p>However, I would be willing to bet that your critics saw your ACT score, knew that it was “well below range”, and made their conclusions from that. I venture they underestimated at least two things: (1) grades are more important than test scores and (2) your SAT score is equivalent to about an ACT 25-26, not nearly so out-of-range, and admissions looks at your strongest score.</p>

<p>Congratulations on your admittance.</p>

<p>Not to mention that this board tends to inflate UW’s actual admissions requirements. It’s not quite as hard to get in as they make it out to be . . .</p>

<p>Congrats ggfan939…what state are you from? My D was postponed and we are still hopefully since it’s her number one choice. Her GPA is slightly lower than yours and her ACTs are a few points higher…</p>

<p>So far this year there have been many more cases where kids that looked very likely to get admitted got rejected.</p>

<p>Congratulations on the acceptance, ggfan! I’m a little surprised your counselor wasn’t optimistic about your chances at UW though :confused: Anyway, good news! No one else’s opinion matters anymore!</p>

<p>Cool story, bro.</p>

Getting accepted is a good thing. The next step is surviving it. Good luck!</p>

<p>Congrats! Be sure to continue with the good study habits at UW. They figured you were not just getting by on native intelligence but learned how to study, an essential college skill. I suspect you will value your admission more than some and will do what it takes to survive- and thrive. Good luck.</p>

<p>Story of (the last two months of) my life! ggfan393</p>

<p>but then I took an arrow to the knee</p>

<p>and got accepted</p>