Accepted/Rejected Thread Fall 2017 transfer students

is anyone elses cane link down?

My canelink is down too. I see from previous threads, usually send their decisions out by first or second week of April depending when your app was considered complete

When were your applications considered complete?

My application was considered complete mid February

Mine was considered complete March 1st

i bet they are posting if everyone’s cane link is down!

mine was mid january, the admissions director I’ve been in contact with told me i should be getting my decision sometime this week

That’s good! let us know when you hear back

I wish all of you good luck. I will say that I am 100% sure that the university has not lost your applications, and will notify you of its decision when it becomes available. GOD, this site is addictive. I’m already committed to THE []_[], but I keep checking back here. :)>-

i hate waiting! i bet they are ready for us once they all finish loading

Once canelink comes back up?

i bet! i don’t understand why they would be down for everyone unless they are uploading them

Wow went to bed the thread had 33 comments went up to 55 thought they had sent out decisions already lol probably will start tomorrow in alphabetical order if what i read in last years thread was correct. Expect a decision after 5pm.

I just logged in to my canelink. No changes.

@alfreddsc has your friend in admissions said anything else?

Just texted me back he says decisions going out this week

awesome, @alfreddsc thanks for the info!

Submitted my app and all the other required documents last week but canelink still has my transcripts, letter of Rec, and college report in my to do list. Called and the lady said it may take two weeks to update. Y’all think this may cause a delay in admission decision?

I am thinking of transferring in the Spring, but I am curious to know how generous they are with FA for you guys!! Will be keeping my eye out.

Best of luck to all of you.

has anyone heard??