Accepted Seniors 2011!

<p>hey! i was accepted back in novemeber
u of a is my first choice, unfourtnetly in the letter of addmissions they didnt offer me anything about scholarships and i dont think FASFA is going to give me and my family alot of money- im out about 10,000 dollars a year, haha i know this is a general question but can anyone offer any advice on where i can find that 10,000 hahaha</p>

<p>Congrats everyone! I’m a little confused because I applied to UA in early december and my app was completed a few weeks after (dec 17) and I haven’t heard anything back yet. I applied for the honors program as well. Here are my stats</p>

Minority (Hispanic)
From a competitive Catholic H.S in northern nj
3.8 gpa (uw)- 4.1 gpa (w)
24 ACT- 25 composite (my only weakness)</p>

<p>I know I’ll get in, but do you think I have a shot at the honors college? If its any help, I wrote an amazing essay as part of the application ( im a really good writer). When will I possibly hear back?</p>

<p>what states are you oos students coming from?</p>

<p>I just got my letter today and along with it I recieved the Arizona Excellence Award, I applied for the honors program so does that mean I didn’t get in? Or does that come separately?</p>

<p>BC1117 - You should call the admissions office and ask them. </p>

<p>That happened to my daughter too, and they initially told us if it wasn’t in the letter, then she didn’t get in to Honors - but that just didn’t make sense, based on her stats. Once I pursued it a bit, it turned out that they had an error in their system, and they accepted her immediately into honors. Make sure you ask to speak specifically to the Honors college people.</p>

<p>Hope that helps!</p>

<p>@meditrina- Thanks!</p>

<p>Because I know that in general my ACT score was a little low (24), but my gpa is 3.8 unweighted/4.1 weighted. I also wrote a great essay, so I was a little worried this might happen. But do you guys think it’s possible for one to receive a scholarship and then not get into the honors college?</p>

<p>Congratulations to everyone who’s already been accepted! Just a quick question:</p>

<p>On the myUA account checklist, what things were listed when your application was complete? An answer would save me a lot of stress and the admissions office an unnecessary email. Thanks!</p>

<p>Could I get into the honor college with a 3.4 and 21 ACT?</p>

<p>where you accepted into the honors college?</p>

<p>For anyone out of state who wants to save a ton of money I suggest really looking into PPC (Pima Community College) where you can take your Gen-Eds. (the classes that are over 150-200 students)</p>

<p>I took my Gen-EDS at Pima *(and 2-3 classes at the UA to be a University student) After calculating everything.
I saved myself 15,000 dollars.
On top of that everything transferred 100%. Pima and UA are very close in programs to each other on the 100-200 level courses. I was in-state</p>

<p>But make sure you do your own research.</p>