Accepted Seniors 2011!

<p>Alright so I couldn’t wait any longer and I just called them about an hour ago and I’ve been accepted for Fall 2011!!!</p>

<p>Anyone else? :D</p>

<p>Got accepted today as well with Honors College and Wildcat Excellence Award.</p>

<p>Congratulations! How long ago did you apply? Did the Honors college acceptance and Wildcat Excellence award come with the normal acceptance letter? My daughter submitted her application about 2 weeks ago and also applied to the Honors college - and we’re still waiting to hear.</p>

<p>Congrats Shermani!</p>

<p>@Meditrina I had the application, transcript, and SAT scores in all by November 8th. And I got the acceptance exactly today.</p>

<p>Don’t worry I’m sure your daughter will get in :)</p>

<p>Thanks! I think she applied around the same time, but her transcripts probably didn’t get there until a few days later. Hopefully we’ll hear something soon!</p>

<p>Thanks :)</p>

<p>Yes, the scholarship notification and honors college were embedded in the letter of acceptance.
Arizona confirmed my application was submitted about 4 weeks after I submitted and it took them about another 4 1/2 weeks to make a decision.</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>Oh, I didn’t apply for the honors college but they offered admission to the program regardless.
I was surprised because my gpa is mediocre, but I guess my test scores pulled it.</p>

<p>@shermani Wow it took you that long??</p>

<p>Other people I’ve talked to had to wait that long too.</p>

<p>But mine came very quickly like within 2 weeks I’m not sure how that works out.</p>

<p>And it’s not like had crazy stats or anything.</p>

<p>I was accepted Tuesday to the honors college and I received the Wildcat Excellence Award. It was weird though because I didn’t even apply to the honors college.
Illinois resident
3.95 GPA
27 ACT</p>


<p>3.7 UW/3.84 W
32 ACT</p>

<p>I wish I could have gone to an easy school and pulled easy A’s :slight_smile: haha</p>

<p>i got accepted w/ wildcat excellence scholarship :slight_smile: don’t know if’i’ll attend though, still waiting to hear back from a few other schools. congratulations everyone!</p>

<p>That’s interesting that they offer Honors college without even applying. I’m assuming my daughter will get in, but we still haven’t heard - she did apply to the Honors college. Her stats are 4.0 Unweighted GPA and 33 ACT. She’s also an IB Diploma candidate. She’s also applied to a few other schools, but UofA is where we assume she’ll get the best scholarship offer. We are out of state but have lots of family in AZ, I have another daughter (they are twins) who has been accepted to ASU and the Barrett Honors college.</p>

<p>@Meditrina…same happened to me back when I applied a few years ago: acceptance into honors college even with checking the “no do not wish to apply” box. Your daughter’s stats are nearly identical to what mine were in high school (also OOS), and I got offered the max scholarship amounts, so she’s probably in good shape.</p>

<p>My daughter just got accepted. </p>

<p>It was a bit nerve wracking though. Her acceptance letter arrived on Monday, but no admission to the Honors college or any scholarship info in her acceptance letter. We called admissions today, and initially they said if it wasn’t in the letter, then she didn’t get accepted to Honors. </p>

<p>After pursuing this a bit (cause it just didn’t make sense) it turns out that they had a software change and her ACT score was not associated with her UA application. They got that straightened out and she was told verbally by the Honors college that she’s been accepted to Honors and got the highest OOS scholarship they award (including an IPAD). They are sending a new letter with this info which we should get in the next week or two.</p>



<p>I’m having second thoughts on attending to the U of A</p>

<p>The tuition is too high :(</p>

<p>@imsohungry, agree, if you don’t get scholarships then it’s not worth coming here from OOS because the cost doesn’t justify the ranking.</p>

<p>@UAKid, I really wanna go here, but unfortunately I don’t have any scholarships.</p>

<p>And with FAFSA I get only about 5,000. Is there any alternative way I can still attend without ending up with like a 120,000 debt when I graduate?</p>

<p>Does anyone know when UA sends you the email with information on how to track your application status? I submitted my application a few days ago but have not received any email from UA…is this how it is supposed to be or should I have received an email confirming my application submission?</p>

<p>@imsohungry I think your math might be a tad off. If I’m remembering right off the top of my head, it’s like 18k a year for OOS vs like 5-8k a year for in-state. And 5000 in FAFSA isn’t too shabby, back when I was a freshman an OOS scholarship might only get you 2000 a year.</p>

<p>What a lot of kids do is take all their useless gen ed classes (and low level math) at Pima (local community college) and then transfer their credits. Since you’re OOS you’d probably want to get pre-approval of transferability if you go that route. You can save probably a years worth of tuition though.</p>

<p>@texasboy11, I applied using the paper application back in the day, so I can’t answer your question. You can always call admissions though. Interesting, apparently you can web chat now as well: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I was accepted 11/15/10
Pre Nursing
Boston, MA
SAT: 1680
GPA: 3.36</p>