ACT Score send

Hi, I applied to Harvard for early action and I sent in my ACT score before I found out that I didn’t have to send it now. Harvard only requires your scores when you get admitted right? Can I call the ACT and cancel the score to be sent? I’m not sure if they allow that though. Or should I just send it to Harvard? Does it hurt my chances of getting in if they see that I sent in my ACT scores from the ACT website? Will they think that I didn’t follow directions? Oh and by the way, I didn’t use their free score send so I actually paid for them to send. I’m not sure if Harvard admission officers will think this is bad. Please help I’m very very scared!!!

Sending in the scores will not negatively impact your application. I highly doubt you can cancel your scores,since you would have needed to order them several days ago. Let it go.

ok thank you so much!

Don’t worry at all! Actually, my daughter’s counselor advised her to send official scores rather than just self reporting. I don’t think they will give it a second thought.

Why would they think this? There are no directions for sending scores. Self reporting is offered to the applicant so they then don’t need to shell out money to send scores to a school that has single digit acceptance. It’s not something you have to comply with, but something you opt to do.

The only think you might be out, is the money spent to send the scores. No big deal.

@fencingmom But I self-reported too so that means they’re going to see both my self-reported scores and the one I sent?

I did self-report though.

@Pinkeydance That’s fine! Presumably, your self-reported scores are the same as the official scores. One is just coming from you, and the score sent by ACT is verifying that what your reported is accurate.

Have I presumed too much? I hope you did not report different scores than the ones ACT will report.

@fencingmom I reported exactly as the ACT score shows thank you!