<p>Is it ok to send an extra essay? My S did a great essay for his common app schools, but it doesn't fit for any of the MIT essays. It really captures the essence of who he is. Can he submit it as extra material? How would that be received?</p>
<p>no he cannot, sorry</p>
<p>Your son can absolutely submit the essay under the “additional information” section of the application. I did the exact same thing.</p>
<p>He can actually send anything his heart desires as supplemental material, and it’s totally normal to submit an extra essay. If he likes the essay and feels it adds to his application, I think it’s a great idea.</p>
<p>As centimeters says, he can submit it in the additional information section on the online application. If it’s too long for that, or if he wants to put something else in that space, he can submit it by mail to MIT – just make sure it has his full name and birthdate on it so it can be matched to his file.</p>
<p>Thanks, everyone</p>