Admission Letter Today!

<p>Son received acceptance letter today to general engineering with offer of Honors. We'd really like him to consider it, but I think he's set on going to NCSU (especially after we just attended the "Spend a Day in Engineering" for accepted students at NCSU this past Monday, and it was very impressive.</p>

<p>Anyway, congrats to others getting the good news today.</p>

<p>Acceptance package arrived today too!</p>

<p>Congratulations! Can you please check if you get the notification online too?</p>

<p>Yea please check that. Also where do both of you live?</p>

<p>He didn't get an email notification. We live in N.C.</p>

<p>Cool thx, what were his stats like, and what major?</p>

<p>D's big envelope arrived today from tech----yay!</p>

<p>accepted !! live in PA have a 1410 SAT w/ 4.4 WGPA Engineering Major w/ offer to honors college (prob goin to cornell or uva or maryland honors though !!) but love hokies</p>

<p>Accepted!!! Yay!</p>

<p>D's acceptance package arrived today !</p>

<p>I got accepted to engineering!</p>

<p>I didnt get it chance its on its way (im from ohio)?</p>

<p>If you are qualified for the honors program, I'm pretty sure that it's on its way ! (Letter were sent yesterday)</p>

<p>Are honors program offers really out already? I'm pretty sure it just states that you are eligible, and will still need to apply if you have not already.</p>

<p>So, wait. I am qualified right? I got invited to apply to it? Is it assumed that if i was invited to apply i will get an acceptance letter?</p>

<p>No the offers are out today. I got accepted!!!</p>

<p>Esmitty...if you were invited, then you are qualified statistically. You should receive your decision soon. What I was saying in my last post: although you are admitted to the university, I don't think actual honors decisions are released yet.</p>

<p>Qualified/invited to apply to Honors, but no letter today. Live in Florida. Applied to CAUS.</p>

<p>Was everyone who got accepted from engineering?</p>

<p>accepted CAUS today... so excited!</p>