ED Accepted!!!!

<p>My son just found out. He's was accepted for Engineering.</p>

<p>My son also was just accepted ED to VT. Now to pay for it.
Do you know about scholarships for ED, is it decided after RD is admitted? We are OOS.</p>

<p>Congrats. Don't know about scholarships. Good luck.</p>

<p>congratulations on the acceptances! ginas00, if it is like last year, you won't find out anything about financial aid until late in the spring- I am thinking it was around May. Welcome to the Hokie Family! It is a wonderful school.</p>

<p>Congrats on those just accepted! Can I see stats (GPA/SAT)? My son is a jr., but hoping to be a third generation Hokie.</p>

<p>S was deferred - OOS, legacy (older brother is current student), 3.2 gpa, 730 M, 540 CR on SAT. I'm sure the low GPA had something to do with it (darn that soph year). He applied to College of Science.</p>

<p>He's quite bummed out at the thought of waiting another few months. VT was far and away his first choice.</p>

<p>I know people that got deferred and later accepted, so try not to lose heart yet.</p>

<p>Congratulations to those accepted.</p>

<p>Congrats to the accepted - post your stats if possible.</p>

<p>Thanks for the encouragement, Chuy. Son #1 is very happy in his soph year at VT (CS/Physics major) and is probably the main reason Son #2 wants to be there as well. We'll keep the fingers and toes crossed as we wait for RD. It helps that senior year is full of APs and Honors courses and, so far, As and Bs.</p>

<p>WHAT ARE THE STATS of those accepted?</p>

<p>Son applied regular admission for engineering. Any hope? 3.8 UW. 7 AP's by the end of senior year. ACT 31 (29, 31, 32, 32). OOS- NY.</p>

<p>crazed, my S was accepted yesterday (ED) into the Engineering school, also OOS. His stats are almost exactly like your son's, except he got a 30 on the ACT (don't know the breakdown). </p>

<p>Judging from that, I'd say your S has a great chance. We are in a very underrepresented state (Alaska) and my S is a legacy (sister) but I don't really know how much those factors play into their decision - I think they really are very numbers-based.</p>

<p>crazed, I will be stunned if your son doesn't get in.</p>

<p>Deferred - 3.74 weighted GPA; 1580 / 2300 SAT.</p>

<p>Anyone know how many students that are deferred end up being accepted? Is it a pretty low number?</p>

<p>You were deferred? That is a surprise. VT is a numbers school, and it seems as you had the numbers.</p>

<p>"Deferred - 3.74 weighted GPA; 1580 / 2300 SAT."</p>

<p>that's way too insane... somethings not right with that. either your fudging your numbers or you applied architecture.</p>

<p>did you mean 1580 out of 2400 instead of what you wrote (1580 / 2300) or did you really mean 1580 out of 1600 and 2300 out of 2400? I'm guessing you mistyped because i can't see how you didnt get in with a 1580/1600.</p>

<p>His other post in another thread backs up the 1580 out of 1600 and 2300 out of 2400. Something has to be askew for his not to get in.</p>

<p>He could be from an exceptionally competitive highschool in NoVa and applying to the school of Architecture. It's the only thing that makes sense.</p>

<p>Yes, those are the SAT scores they appear to be. I applied to Engineering, and I'm from Chesapeake (fwiw I have no idea how geography plays into admissions).</p>

<p>The two things I can think of are:
- A lot of kids from my high school apply to Tech
- My GPA is pretty low (UW is 3.2) which especially looks bad next to the SAT scores</p>

Something has to be askew for his not to get in.


<p>That scares me, I really can't think of anything that would be a red flag other than my GPA :S Is e-mailing admissions and asking them what I can do to make myself more competitive come regular admissions smart?</p>

<p>Maybe it is the GPA:SAT ratio. I had a low gpa, I graduated with just under a 3, but my SAT was also lower, 1450 / 1980. I'm going to venture a guess that you are in almost for sure under RD.</p>