Admission Notification

<p>Where do you find out you’re admitted online on the MyUA portal or do they send an email?</p>

<p>Sign in on portal…</p>

<p>She was accepted today! Thanks!</p>

<p>On MyUA portal it says a decision has been made and that I will receive a letter in the mail, does this mean I did not get in if it is not posted on the Portal?</p>

<p>No idea… But does not sound too good. I know that my portal showed congratulations…and then provided netid and password to see awards and make deposits etc…</p>

<p>Cal mom, I’m from CA too. Why did your kid(s) pick UA? I’m curious.</p>

I am a strong believer in having some Rolling Admissions in the mix. it takes the stress out of the process knowing early that you have been accepted. Arizona has a med school on its campus and my son would be a premed. Also, Arizona has a nice Honors program and actually gives nice merit aid scholarships to OOS students. I don’t know whether he will attend. it’s an inexpensive option for us now. we haven’t visited, but will in early January. we heard that they give preferential treatment to kids who graduated from University of Arizona for med school…We will find out when we visit whether it’s true… We also applied to another public school with rolling admission and Honors that gave him free tuition for free years…also tempting…We will not decide til the UCs come out as well, even though we are trying to talk him out of the UCS…very large class sizes, can’t graduate in 4 years…crowded housing etc, etc, etc…</p>