What does it mean

<p>My son applied to UA and yesterday when we were checking application status it said a decision has been made. You will hear from the university soon.
Does anyone know what this means? Does it sound more like he got in or didn’t get in?

<p>I’m not sure but that sounds good to me. I would call and ask if you can’t wait!</p>

<p>That’s what I was hoping too but wanted to hear if someone else had gotten this message and then found out they were in.</p>

<p>yes we got that message and the acceptance packet came the next day. good luck!</p>

<p>today he got a letter that just said they had all of his application stuff. I hope he gets the acceptance letter too.</p>

<p>Last year D had the same message online, and it showed up about 2 weeks after she applied. She was a strong candidate and had applied very early. Her acceptance packet arrived a week or two after the “decision” message.</p>

<p>At first, many of her highly-qualified friends received quick responses. The less competitive applicants didn’t have any response (and no “decision made” message) until later in the application season.</p>

<p>He was accepted! We will go to UA in Jan. to check out the school.</p>

<p>How do you check your status online at UA?</p>

<p>^ I’m not sure you can check your status online. I’ve been trying to for the past several weeks but all I receive is a message on the MyUA page telling me “A decision has been made. You will be hearing from our admissions office shortly.” </p>

<p>I’m guessing that decisions are mailed out only.</p>

<p>Its hard to check your decision status, I looked for it everyday. The school will update you on whats all recieved and then you’ll get a letter in the mail… I did myself and it was a acceptance.</p>

<p>My son’s decision status never changed and he got his acceptance letter on Saturday.</p>

<p>I just got my acceptance letter from UofA yesterday! It was my very first letter! The admissions office informed me that everything had been received about 2 weeks ago. I also very much appreciate the fact that they gave me a scholarship, albeit small. </p>

<p>Unfortunately, $$$ is a big factor. I applied knowing I couldn’t afford it but it sure feels good that there’s a university out there that welcomes me! I don’t know if they’ll come back with a FA package or not; I’m not counting on it which is why my state schools remain my first choices.</p>

<p>I’m happy!</p>

<p>Yeah I also got accepted into University of Arizona but unsure on how affordable it would be for me…</p>

<p>My son’s status changed to Decision Made today. I noticed that there is now an entry that says “Take the Next Steps to Enroll at UA” but that entry is not clickable. The text below this title says “This comprehensive site will allow you to pay the enrollment deposit, sign up for housing, register for orienation and more. Please note you must be admitted to access this site.”</p>

<p>Those of you who got admitted, can you click on Enroll link to go the enrollment page? Did it take a few days after “decision made” to enroll through this link? Trying to figure out if S got admitted or not – and so far the only clue I have is that it doesn’t provide us a way to enroll.</p>

<p>I know these things take time, but you know how it is when you know a decision was made and you get the decision letter.</p>

<p>rational2, I was thinking the same thing when I was checking the status. I was admitted and the link never changed to a clickable link. You just have to wait until you get the package and it will have information to get to that site when you receive it.</p>

<p>Thanks alexr92. Thanks for signing up to help (your first message :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>I got an email on January 22nd inviting me to come visit without mentioning whether I had been accepted. The email had a username and password for me to access the MyUA website. </p>

<p>An acceptance letter dated January 19th arrived the next day, before I had a chance to check the MyUA website. I don’t know if it’s possible to check your status without UA-issued username and password.</p>