U of A - Decision has been mailed

<p>My daughter checked the status of her application on the U of A webpage…it says that a “decision has been mailed to the address on file”. The anxious wait for the mail has begun…</p>

<p>I wish her the best of luck. I'm not sure if you can now,but as of last year you were able to call to see if you were accepted after it said "decision made" online. That's what I did,and im in Tucson at U of A as we speak/type haha. Hope she gets in, is it her first choice?</p>

<p>Just curious sd_dad, did yo get accepted? If so, congrds, but what date di you apply and in the acceptance letter, what other docs were in it (housing application, etc.)?</p>

<p>Hi Mario....still waiting for the letter. Her application was filed on September 9th, she got an e-mail saying that they had everything they needed on September 17th, and it's been almost a week since she saw the "decision has been mailed" notice.....We'll keep you posted.</p>

<p>Good luck - I applied early, too, and everything was submitted on my end, but my school does not send out official school transcripts until October so I must wait . . . . .</p>

<p>Quick update...the University has advised her that the message was in error, and that they have not begun mailing any decisions yet. They said they will begin mailing on October 9th.</p>

<p>Hey, sd_dad, I'd be interested if your daughter gets in, so keep us, no pun intended, POSTED.</p>

<p>The mail came in today and the news was GOOD!! It came in a thick envelope with the words YOU'RE IN on the outside. In addition to the acceptance letter, it also included a "next steps" brochure. Good Luck to all!</p>

<p>Congradulation Hey, sd_dad. In you envelope, did it mention when orientation in the spring would be? If it does, can you tell me the different orientation dates?</p>

<p>sd_dad ,we applied to U of A also, do you mind telling your daughter's GPA,and test scores? Thanks, and CONGRADUALTIONS!</p>

<p>Congrats to the daughter sd_dad, I remember how excited i was when i found out. I found the envelope thing very cool the way they do that. You could take your time opening up and not be nervous at the same time haha. What does she want to major in? If you have any questions im more than willing to try to answer them for you.</p>

<p>gatorbait, what were you gpa and test scores (preferably ACT). have you decided to attend UofA next year?</p>

<p>I'm a UofA freshman right now. My high school GPA was like a 3.1 and I never to the ACT's only the SAT's. sorry</p>

<p>I sent in my app. on Sept. 26th, but didn't take the SAT until Oct. 6th. I don't know when the UA got them, but I checked earlier this week and it said 'a decision has been made'. I called Admissions on Monday and they told me I had been accepted, which is weird, because I haven't even gotten my SAT scores back yet. </p>

<p>I'm going down to visit this weekend, and I'm really looking forward to it. The fact that it's about 85 degrees in Tucson doesn't hurt.</p>

<p>mrhazel44 what was your GPA?</p>

<p>thats weird. i applyed in early september but my high school had computer problems and sent my transcript out a little late. After a couple weeks UA finally got all my info in order and updated my status to UNDER REVIEW. Its been like this since October 4th. Mrhazel, you already got in? Should I call and ask because I think I should have a response by now.</p>

<p>It's always a good idea to call and check.</p>

<p>I applied October 6th and my transcript was sent a few days before that. It still says they have not received everything yet. Is that unusual?</p>

<p>Mine still says, "We have not received all documents" thing. I sent all of my information in like two weeks ago. The registrar at my school said that it can take up to two months for them to actually review the application, but I talked to the UA recruiter that came to my school the other day, and he said that if it still says that within a week, to call the UA Admissions Office. He also told me that I should most definitely have my decision by Thanksgiving. So if any of you have a problem... I guess just call UA and get it straightened out.</p>

<p>My GPA as shown on the 6-semester transcript was a 3.689 unweighted. They recalculate using some arbitrary formula that gets rid of non-core classes to come up with your 'admissions GPA'. As long as it's over 3.0 for OOS and 2.5 (I think) for IS, they'll take you.</p>

<p>For everyone that doesn't have a decision yet, log on to MyUA and see what the status of your application is. Mine was listed as 'Not all materials have been received' up until a couple of days before MyUA said 'a decision has been made'. I suppose it never hurts to call the Admissions office to ask. When I was there this week, the Admissions staff struck me as very well-organized and they all seemed like they knew what they were doing. Good luck.</p>