Admission office status over Christmas recess

<p>Daughter is on pins and needles and has been checking on her status several times a day ( It changed two days ago to an admissions counselor is reviewing application). Are applications reviewed during the Christmas break or should she just wait until break is over (whenever that is) to check her status?</p>

<p>I would expect the admissions office will work regular days- classes don't start until Jan 20.</p>

<p>Best of luck to you and your daughter.</p>

<p>Staff holidays are Xmas eve, Xmas, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, MLK, Jr day. Other wise, staff with 12 month appointments are working.</p>

<p>BTW- political correctness means it's winter break... I'm surprised the UW staff gets MLK, Jr day off- the k-12 schools don't in Wis, nor do any other public places except those with Federal/US gov't ties (ie, no mail that day seems to be the only difference from any other day).</p>

<p>Screw political correctness. America has become so "politically aware" these days it's sick.</p>

<p>Madison K-12 public schools also have MLK, Jr day off.</p>

<p>It's one of the national holidays I actually feel inclined to pay respects to on the day off. Tend to forget about the others.</p>