Admissions Decisions 2016

<p>Okay, literally a minute after I posted that I got an email!!! Accepted! I’m super happy. Does anyone know how we learn about merit aid? Does that come in a separate package/letter?</p>

<p>Wooot! Got in! Yayayayay</p>

<p>D got in EA; very excited, L&C has been her first choice, but it is very far away. All will depend on aid, since she gets a lot from GA schools.</p>

<p>Are they only emailing acceptances? What does it mean if you don’t get an email? Has anyone not gotten one yet?</p>

<p>5boys: Looking at the posts from last year, it seems that EA acceptances, rejections and deferrals were all sent by email on the same day (Dec. 17). So I don’t know what not receiving an email means, except that “no news is no news.” You might want to call the admissions office. Your son also might want to check his spam folder - two years ago my older son’s acceptance at Grinnell was sent to spam.</p>

<p>Boy, you sure haven’t had any luck getting timely notifications. :frowning: Have you heard from CC? Wishing your son the best.</p>

<p>My S got deferred :-((((( 2200 SAT’s 3.5 GPA… Eagle Scout, National leadership position, 1500 CS hrs volunteering for the National Parks all over the US, SCA internship, works, and commutes 3 hrs a day to school…It’s pretty hard to take and need to figure out what is wrong with his app, as this is his 3rd deferral from what looked like pretty safe bets for him.</p>

<p>Deferred from L&C, CC, or both (if you care to say)? In any case, really sorry to hear that, 'cause he looks like a great fit for both schools. Good idea to think about how to strenghten his app for the RD round of the deferral schools, and any other RD apps. Best of luck.</p>

<p>Still hasn’t heard anything fromm CC… which is beyond weird… I wish they just emailed like L&C, much easier and quicker… not knowing is the worst… especially since CC emailed my S and asked him to switch his EA to ED… very frustrating. Since he has been deferred at L&C I don’t have much hope for CC… and as far as his app, he will talk to his GC after the holidays, but I really don’t know what else he could do… he has good grades, great test scores, fantastic EC’s… his grade this first semester are the best ever… so other than winning an olympic gold medal (LOL!), nothing is going to change much. He will end up where he is meant to be, but I’m pretty sure it won’t be L&C.</p>

<p>I think being asked to move from EA to ED is a good sign! Why would they ask him to make that change only to reject him? Think positive thoughts!!</p>

<p>^^ I agree with the above. I can think of no reason why they would do this if they intended to reject him. </p>

<p>Perhaps they didn’t process it, though, and he’s still in the EA batch…(?). Then again, there seem to be several in Cali waiting for a decision…</p>

<p>accepted! 3.57 UW, 3.93 W, 29 ACT.</p>

<p>Accepted with a 3.4 and a 1720 SAT!!</p>

<p>unenlightened - did your acceptance email indicate your merit aid??</p>

<p>D2 got her acceptance email yesterday. No indication of any merid aid, though. :frowning:
Regardless, she’s very happy about it!</p>

<p>colomom, the email said they are still sending an official letter with FA info. the email is just to let the kids know they got in :)</p>

<p>Congrat’s to everyone on hear that have gotten the big Yes! How exciting!</p>

<p>Thanks Colomom… I am still trying to stay positive, and trying to figure out why my S has gotten all these deferrals?? He is at or above the 75% on all 3 schools, and 2 of them have acceptance rates of around 70%… and then looking on here and seeing tons of kids with lower stats all getting in is so frustrating. My S has 2200 SAT’s 3.6 GPA. It is hard to figure out where to go from here… does he need to look at schools that take 100% of applicants?? Are all of his match schools out? When he made his list, we made sure there was a wide range of selectivity, I guess you can never predict college admissions these days…</p>

<p>deferred, which I’m going to consider a good think. Of course, I would have liked to have been accepted EA. I knew that L&C would be a reach for me so I’m okay with this outcome. I’m still in the pool and I have a fighting chance. I got deferred from New Hampshire, Northeastern, and Tulane. Let’s just say colleges enjoy deferring me. I have a 26 ACT and a B-ish GPA so I am well aware I am at the bottom end. I’m meeting with my counselor about additional materials I wish to submit for RD.</p>

<p>Same here fro my S dschur… deferrals from UVM, Tulane and now L&C… He is going to work harder on his RD app’s and call L&C to see where he needs to improve. A lot of deferrals all the way around this year… hard to pinpoint why. I’m thinking that as all the top schools are getting harder and harder to get into each year, it is trickling down and making all the schools lower on down the selectivity harder to get into… I’m pretty sure a few years ago, kids with your stats would have gotten in easily to some of the schools are on your list. Mybe the RD round will be more telling.</p>

<p>Accepted! 3.65 GPA, 2050 SAT, 30 ACT.</p>

<p>@5boys: My counselor said that considering my GPA and ACT being deferred isn’t the worst outcome. I would consider myself unique, but perhaps every applicant to a school like L&C is unique. I had a great interview with my regional admissions counselor and was sort of tricked into thinking it was a done deal. I’m going to South Africa on exchange for second semester so I thought that would be my “hook”, but maybe the true hook will be my grades. Only time will tell.</p>

<p>I too had a great interview with my admissions counselor but I went up to portland for the open house and an overnight. I don’t think the yield rate for LC is very high, so I think they probably lean towards kids who show a lot of interest in attending</p>