Admissions Decisions 2016

<p>The level of applicant’s interest is considered - only a tip. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

I actually received my merit scholarship email before my official acceptance. It was sent to me, cc’ing my uni counselor, from the Assistant Director of International Students and Scholars- I’m an international student, if that makes a difference. GL</p>

<p>@Lily2012… i’m not sure if that’s true at all. I am a strong candidate for L&C but I never previously did anything that is ~generally~ seen to show strong interest in the school.</p>

<p>I’ve been accepted! 1920 SAT, 30 ACT, 3.4 GPA.</p>

<p>did you hear a decision about merit aid?</p>

<p>@5 boys: I’m not going to be rude, but perhaps your son should look at his essay. He sounds like a great applicant, but many liberal arts schools like L&C look at more than statistics and towards who they are as a person.</p>

<p>^Agreed. I’d also second interest playing a role. I visited and spoke to my regional admissions officer three times (two college fairs and once when she came to my school). I didn’t do an interview because she by then she knew me by name and I didn’t feel like I had anything to in my app that wasn’t expressed either on paper or in our college fair conversations. I would also note that very much for merit money and somewhat for admissions, intended major plays a role.</p>

<p>Hi all… Yes. my S visited, had a GREAT interview with the Dean of admissions who told my S he had a VERY strong application… so don’t know. It was NOT a safety school for him… although based on his stats and stats of past years applicants, I thought he would be offered merit aid… LOL!! His essays are great…but not excellent, but he was clear he wanted to major in Environmental Science and all of his EC’s reflected that… I have to tell you it was a pretty big shock… they did say in the deferral letter that they had a hug increase in EA applicants and we are applying for a pretty hefty FA package… so that is probably it.</p>

<p>Hi 5boys,
I’ve been lurking here for about two weeks and every time you post I think, wow, what a quality person this is… I was hoping so much that your S would get into L&C, and then I was hoping for CC. Just want to say with a mom like you (I am a good judge of character) that he is no doubt an exceptional young man, and the big plan is yet to be revealed. Can’t wait to hear how this all plays out, because I am sure it is going to end up somewhere great and then have a good laugh at all the c–p he went through!!
Best to you and your S</p>

<p>nyl… You just made my day with your post!!! Thank you:-))) I know my S will end up where he is meant to be. He is a very mature and resilient kid and I am so proud of him regardless of the outcome of this college craziness. It is just hard when you make a list based on careful research on scores and admittance rates, and then this happens. It doesn’t make sense. It’s hard to know how to proceed. My S is going to send an email to his admissions rep and see what comes of that. L&C also sent a form to send back to them asking him to state his intention on his interest in continuing on in the RD round. He will send it in and also his first semester grades. We will see…He is really a great for for L&C, but a little discouraged now on the merit aid… ir seems it wouldn’t go to deferred applicants…</p>

<p>I was accepted by email about the 17th and received a letter of acceptance a few days after. I was awarded the Trustee Scholarship in the letter. At this point, kenzie1992, how do you think I could help show them that L&C is my absolute first choice as far as contacting them or organizing an interview?</p>



<p>Not really sure what you mean by this. S4 applied RD, because he’s a procrastinator. Started the process for EA, but didn’t finish before the deadline. He received a merit scholarship on acceptance and later, a grant, Stafford loans and work study. We were even late in filling out the CSS profile (he never told me about it). Our experience has been that they provide aid to cover the amount above your expected family contribution.</p>

<p>Has anyone heard for RD yet? Or about the Neely scholarships? I got the call about mine around this time last year.</p>

<p>I just received an email with my RD acceptance and a special invitation for a free flight out to campus. The offer was extended to “selected applicants who indicated strong interest in math or the sciences.” The email said that the official acceptance emails will be sent out in a few days! Good luck.</p>

<p>How many days is “a few”? I still haven’t gotten an email and my neurotic self is getting worried.</p>

<p>I can’t wait any longerrrrrrrrrrrr!</p>

<p>Same, I’m losing my mind over here!</p>

<p>Accepted as an RD applicant! Yay!</p>

Stats here, don’t want to rewrite them.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Accepted! Stats are elsewhere.</p>

<p>Check ur email! I just got an acceptance : )</p>