Admittance into Texas A&M

Are you on the main 2026 TAMU thread?

Thanks. Lots of talk about PSA…what is that? Also, didn’t see anything re: biology majors. Currently application is still in review and ‘change of major’ seems to still be an option on account. Thoughts?

PSA is considered (by many) a ‘soft rejection’. You are offered to attend one of the A&M System Schools, select from limited majors, and if you are successful in completing the PSA 12 month contract, you transfer to Main/College Statuon A&M. Some love it, many don’t.

Someone posted earlier today, a list of General Studies majors that were still available to choose from; Biology wasn’t listed. Not sure what that means for those, like yourself, that listed Bio and are still in review?

If you lose your Change Major button, that means PSA offer is coming.

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I’m bio, first quarter, and have yet to see anyone for bio get a decision this week. There’s chatter on Reddit about bio majors not hearing anything.

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My daughter is a junior. Your GPA is 4.41 weighted GPA. with 10+ AP until end of Junior. SAT score 1470 (homes to improve to 1500 plus). Is an aspirant to get to Mays Business school in MIS undergrad program. What are her chances? Students / parents who have made it to Mays, perhaps could provide some guidance?

Heard @ChristiR93 @TMImomof2 are experts, your input is appreciated.

@Collegemichmatt great stats! What is your daughter’s current class rank? If she’s Top Ten%, assuming she applies early August, she’ll get in Mays (BUAD-General Business).

Hey there. Great stats and if she applies early (august-first week) her chances are pretty solid she’ll get into Mays-general business.

Assuming she’s too 10% it’s a no brainer she’ll get Mays if apply early.

Assuming she’s top quarter, getting that SAT score up to 1500 plus will also pretty much guarantee Mays. Again… get app in early because it will fill up!

Make sure she completes srar properly.

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Thank you so much @52AG82 and @ChristiR93 . She is right now, just shade outside 10% but could make it to 10% by coming 9 weeks. Two quick question, when you say Mays General Business, does that mean she will not qualify for MIS? or its just that Majors are chose later on? Also what is SRAR? Apologies, I am a newby to this whole system. pl pardon me if these are things I should be knowing!

Tell her to finish strong, and try to get to Top Ten%.
All Mays students enter as BUAD/General Business. My daughter is a junior Mays student, and she just declared her major-Management-this fall. Most declare their intended major end of sophomore year or fall of junior year; when they start taking upper level classes.

I don’t know how to send links to other topics, but this is the very informative page you need to be following.
Huge post on SRAR, great info.

Thank you. Among the 3 business school, MCOMBS (UT Austin), MAYS (A &M) and Jindal (UT Dallas), which one is the best? I am sure it is UT Austin. But was wondering how you see between Mays and Jindal. Again thanks @52AG82 and @ChristiR93

Here’s the direct link :slight_smile:

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I don’t know how they’re ranked. I do know Tamu has a huge network as does UT. It’s also about where the student feels “it”. Maybe look at business club/study abroad/and other opportunities

To be honest, didn’t even know UTD had a business school. Never heard of it. I’d say definitely McCombs and Mays. All depends on what kind of atmosphere your student wants, personal preference. My Mays Aggie had all the stats for UT and McCombs, I couldn’t even pay her to apply (her grandfather & uncles are UT Exes).
Both McCombs and Mays are outstanding business schools! I’m a big fan of Hankamer/Baylor and Rawls/Tech business schools, as well. Bauer/UH has a solid business school also.
Zero chance of getting in McCombs, if not UT auto admit-and even then, it isn’t a guarantee student gets major choice. This current admissions cycle we’ve seen students just outside of Top Ten% that haven’t gotten into Mays, some have only gotten PSA offer.

Thanks @52AG82 I also initially felt the Mays has a better program than Jondal. But when I googled best undergrad MIS program in US, UT Austin and UT Dallas shows up in top 26 programs in US, but A & M did not make the list.

But as you and @ChristiR93 suggested, I think a but of personal choices etc come into play in making these choices!

@52AG82 hat is a PSA offer? It seems like I know nothing, I have a lot to learn!!

PSA is sometimes considered a ‘gentle rejection’, but can also be looked upon as a ‘blessing in disguise’. It is somewhat like UT CAP, sort of. You can Google various A&M Pathways. But, Business is not a major offered via PSA, nor UT CAP.

I’m not a big rankings fan myself, but some people swear by them. When we toured colleges, we had very strict criteria, and we never once looked up business school rankings. But that’s just us. You’ve gotta love the whole school, not just 1 element.

I can’t stress enough how important it is for your daughter to try to get to Top Ten% by end of the school year. Any chance her junior year PSAT will qualify for any NM status? That would open doors!

Hopefully you taken many campus tours?


@52AG82 she is trying her best to get into the top 10% by end of this year. She was not in top 10% by 0.02 in her weighted GPA. My daughter was telling me that its super difficult to make that gap of 0.02 since she they are in the last 9 weeks! She is a super competitive school here in Plano. She is a great student, has taken about 10 APs, will complete about 14 by end of senior. Has launched 2 clubs at school and member of a few. Has 150 plus hours of volunteer work, internship program last year and 1470 SAT. She wanted to get to mcombs but know she wont make it there, but from what I am hearing from you now, perhaps even Mays may be doubtful if she does not make top 10%? I honestly hate the system! These kids they are working twice as hard as we worked in their school!

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She sounds like an amazing young lady! Definitely I’d say McCombs is out, many valedictorians don’t even get in. This current cycle, there have been a shocking amount (that we know of-who have posted on College Confidential and FB Aggie Parent pages) who have been just shy of Top Ten% and didn’t get into A&M, or got their 2nd choice.
It’s beyond important to apply early-like within the first week of August, no later-and make sure EVERYTHING is complete, ready to submit. Ask for letters of recommendation early, make sure SRAR is totally accurate, start on essay. Finish up college tours by early-mid summer, if you haven’t already. Always take ‘official’ tour-I know A&M keeps track of that, it shows interest.
And follow the other thread-it’s more informative.