Admittance into Texas A&M

What are the chances of my daughter being accepted into A&M, Public Health major,
4.1 GPA as of now, took two AP classes this summer with A’s in both. Her rank won’t be updated until end of August. Current GPA puts her in second quartile for her school at 25.25%.
Hoping AP classes push her up to first quartile.
1280 SAT. She’s in NHS, has a job and is a team leader, she’s in clubs, lots of volunteering.

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Howdy—current student here (‘22 whoop!), albeit not in SPH (School of Public Health). First—this link is helpful. It shows how many applied, got in, and actually decided to come to TAMU, and you can parse through the data to filter by department, top 10% or not, freshman/transfer etc.

First, I think the SAT score needs to come up. When I applied summer ‘17, there were 2 auto pathways—top 10%, or top 25%, plus 1360 SAT OR 27 ACT. While the latter pathway no longer exists in terms of auto-admission, the scores are still a good guideline. Her score as it stands is competitive, but if she has the means to retake it, I’d contend it’s a good idea to do so.

SPH is a fairly small department, and as it exists now, hasn’t been around very long. They’ve grown considerably over the last 5 years (see website above), but are still not big at all compared to Biomedical Sciences, for example. For last year’s application cycle, less than 1,000 people applied, and 528 were admitted. Less than 200 enrolled. Slightly under 50% of that 528 figure were not top 10%—so it’s not a dealbreaker that she’s top quarter or so. Her extracurriculars look good.

Don’t have much info in the way of getting into SPH specifically; I would check this out from SPH themselves regarding their admissions. In terms of getting into Texas A&M, I think she’s a fairly competitive applicant. Bringing up the SAT score should be a good boost.

If she’s not dead set on public health, I would look at the Allied Health major, within the College of Education and Human Development. My girlfriend is currently a senior in it, and wants to go to PA school.

Very aware this is a lot of information. I’m a tour guide on campus, so I work closely with lots of students throughout the pre-app process, and in the decision-making process post-admission. Feel free to reach out if I can provide more info or be a resource otherwise.


Great info by @sjg496

SAT definitely needs to come up for this college. When a review applicant, test scores really help with the boost. I would say greater than 1350 would make her a bubble student. Her EC/leadership and showing passion for her major is what pushes that bubble to acceptance.

By getting rid of the academic admit pathway, we saw a lot of great well rounded students get in last year that had mediocre test scores. I do believe it works in the best interest of most non auto admit students.

Hope this helps.

@Alhansen1 is she wanting Nursing School, PT or what does she want to do with that major? I also suggest Allied Health as 2nd major choice.
Agree with the others-rank & SAT/ACT need to be higher. Small, competitive major.

My son is in the top 15% with a 3.9 GPA he is a junior he will graduate with 9+ APs courses. I wonder also when is the right time to apply. I have heard if you aren’t top 10% and applied early in August you have to wait for a decision in March :flushed:

Apply August 1st!

Review admits can start hearing as early as October. The majority with lower scores and ranking typically hear back in January and February unless their application is really good on the essay, ECs, LOR etc.

What major is your son going for? And what are his test scores?


Agree with @ChristiR93 … it never pays to wait for anything at A&M. Apply August 1.
And make sure he’s been able to take ACT & SAT multiple times between now & then. High test scores always help!

We are still waiting on admission result.
Applied for Bachelor of Public health major
My kid’s stat
GPA - 3.35 ( out of 4) , 4.1 (for 5)
SAT - 1370
Quartile 2 - ( total class head count 1168)
NHS student
In PACE program @miller ( internship @ clinic)
Certified CPR
Founder/ leader of 2 high school clubs
Lead member of 5 different clubs
All AP courses including Physics,Biology, Stats complete
26 high school credits
Double degree black belt
Required volunteering hours

Any input is greatest appreciated! Thanks

Jeez. Aside from 2nd quarter ranking, he would be a shoe in. Still could be full admit but maybe gateway or team.

Best of luck. He’ll be great wherever he lands.

Thank you! TAMU has been his dream …Hopefully he gets in. May I know what you refer gateway or team as. Thanks

Do some reading this morning. There are 2 options plus psa to get into Tamu.

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If we haven’t heard from TAMU yet on admittance, can we still expect direct admittance or should we reserve our thoughts to either Blinn Team/Gateway/etc. options or a denial at this point? Trying to exercise patience but wanting to move forward with a university decision soon. Any insight would help. Student applied as a biology major, GPA of 3.8 test optional.

Biology major here and still waiting

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At this point, I’m unsure of full admissions to anyone that didn’t receive the options for waitlist. Hoping by end of month everyone has a solid decision. Hang in there. Research options if you haven’t already!


Biology Major (my son)… still waiting. Received the option of WAITLIST or TEAM Consideration 2+ weeks ago. GPA is 3.7, top quarter of class (top 20 percent), test optional, Eagle Scout, AP classes taken and 1 AP test taken; all other classes are honors; private school; 100+ hours of volunteer/ service work.

My impression is that people who never got Waitlisted are still getting admitted. Based on reading reddit and here.

Admitted to pathways or full admit?

On Reddit and College Confidential last week, I took note of a couple of students saying they got admitted, who had NOT been waitlisted. And had not heard anything since they applied in Aug / Sept and their app went from ‘Application Complete And In Review’. I cannot remember if it was full admit of BLINN TEAM or Gateway. But, I took note because I was wondering if that meant that the Waitlisted students (like my son) were actually worse off than the ones who had been ‘Complete and In Review’ and never got waitlisted.

I really don’t think there have been any full admits lately. I think it’s just been pathways.

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I trust you to know this more than me… For sure.

Well, was hoping to get an admittance answer in Feb but still waiting! Trying to be patient but ready to move forward. Any biology majors still waiting for admittance status? Anyone have any insight into how much longer we have to wait?

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