Admitted Texas A&M University, Class of 2028

Applied 8/1
1510 SAT
4.0 GPA
Great ECs
National Merit Commended Scholar
36 hrs DC

awesome stats!
so it took 1.5 months for the review, good to know. my son applied 9/9.


What do you mean recognition is no longer automatic? I’m a newbie with my oldest being a senior. She is a commended scholar. It was my understanding that you don’t need to apply for scholarships as an extra step. But with commended status…I think I read to let admissions know since received after applying. Thank you for any input!

Students most definitely need to fill out the scholarship application! I’m not sure if they can go back and submit, if they didn’t do it during the initial A&M application.
NM Commended does not receive specific scholarship $; it might ‘help’ on the resume-to receive a small Academic or Opportunity award-but only NM S/F are guaranteed $$.
National Recognition Scholars no longer automatically receive scholarship $$…starting this current school year.
You can Google all scholarships.

Oh yes, she did the scholarship application on the common app…just making sure there wasn’t something else she needed to do relating to commended. Thank you!

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@mere33 NM Commended is great-my Aggie was Commened-but it won’t get you automatic $ at A&M.

Can anybody specifically speak to Out of State “high achiever” Engineering acceptance timeline that “has been through the process” and not heard 2nd hand thanks.

Also posted the Engieering thread.

Daughter admitted last week. She was admitted as Nutrition major. She has been invited to a Public Health informational in 2 weeks. If she likes what she hears and would like to change to Public Health is there an avenue to switch?

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Yes, she’ll need to email advisor of Public health and explain the situation. They should be able to change it or direct you back to nutrition advisor to take care of it. Good luck.

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Son admitted into engineering last week. Applied 8/15 or so. 34 ACT, 3.99 unweighted/4.34 weighted, 7 APs, Eagle-Scout equivalent award, works 10-12 hours/week, pretty good robotics experience. Homeschooled and was classified as top 10% in early September. Also wants to do corps of cadets - did campus tour and overnight with the corps.

Just paid housing deposit and checked the box that he wants to join the corps. This is our eldest child…it’s getting real!


FYI for anyone needing loans who is in state check out these interest free loans. My daughter got the Mercer and Mantzel loans. There are academic qualifications. It is merit based, not need based. Just call and they email you the applications.

@Homeschoolmom28 has your student shown up in Aggie Directory yet? I help admin an Aggie page, and we’ve received a dz+ parents wanting to join in the last week 1/2… a few of the students show up in Directory, but no major listed. The rest don’t appear at all.
We’re trying to figure it out. The best pages don’t admit parents until Directory verifies student has been admitted-it’ll show classification and major.

Do not join a page that doesn’t verify. I can’t tell you How Many scammers try to join

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Nope. Still not there.

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Thanks for the reply! Strange it is taking this long…but this acceptance cycle has been totally different from prior years.
We will just keep checking & verifying…

My son has been in the directory for weeks without a major. He has been accepted to engineering. :woman_shrugging:

@Raider97 thx for the reply. It is quite random-some students are listed (but no major), some aren’t listed at all.
I personally know 2 that have been admitted, but their names aren’t shown.
Admins of the pages will just need to be patient.
Thanks again!

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WHOO HOO!! Got my 7 Tabs this morning when I checked at 0805am Eastern Time.
Howdy Portal>Dashboard>Overview is good to go :+1:
Lists Major as Mech Engineering Freshman Fall 2024 and a Blank Fall 2024 Schedule has populated as well.
Now I just have to find the Housing Deposit Link.
That may not present itself until AIS is updated.


OK, Aggies I need an assist with Housing. Portal Login is not working A&M credentials that work for Howdy and AIS.
Thanks, AGGIE Dad Jim

Aggie Parents “who have gone through the process” please chime in regarding Housing.

  1. If we don’t get a Hullaballoo 1/1 or 2/1 we are going off campus.
  2. I’m willing to make a deposit for an OFF Campus Studio or 1/1 now, just to be safe if we don’t get the Hullaballoo choice.
  3. I can call every OFF Campus and ask but assist if you have gone through this “When is the FINAL deposit required for most OFF Campus apartments?” Would it be after dorm assignments in April 2024?

Looking at: :point_down:
The Stacks


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Aggie parents who have had kids go through freshman “FISH CAMP” Skip IT or DO IT?
